Native Protestors Shut Down Canadian Railways

@RackMaster what is the the difference between the chiefs and elected chiefs? I saw the distinction in one of your earlier articles.

Does that confer a different government recognition?

The elected Chief's are elected by their people but it is considered a "colonialist" system because it was put in place with the Indian Act that put them on reserves. The Hereditary Chief's are their historic system, they are typically inherited through birth or in this case they are chosen by the other hereditary Chief's. There was actually 3 other one's but because they are female and supported the pipeline, had their titles stripped.

This explains it better.

Wet'suwet'en: What's the difference between the elected band council and hereditary chiefs?
I'm sorry you guys are going through this. If anything this debacle needs more public attention, so Canadians everywhere know who their enemies are.

It's very public here. The problem is that we've let the commies and anarchists fester for to long. Now they are using the Native's and climate change as their way to destroy Canada. They've always wanted that but now they aren't hiding.
It's very public here. The problem is that we've let the commies and anarchists fester for to long. Now they are using the Native's and climate change as their way to destroy Canada. They've always wanted that but now they aren't hiding.
Well, on the bright side it's easier to squish roaches when they're out and about and not in their nests. The same social media tech that allows the commies to broadcast their BS can be used to identify and persecute them.
Well, on the bright side it's easier to squish roaches when they're out and about and not in their nests. The same social media tech that allows the commies to broadcast their BS can be used to identify and persecute them.

Problem is we don't have the leadership to do that. This could have been cleaned up day 1 but now it's been weeks.
So the government made some secret deal with the Hereditary Chief's, some blockades have come down and then more popped up. Nothing is resolved and our economy is losing. The big loss is to come. Major oil and gas projects have been cancelled since this shit started and planned ones are delayed. The bigger losses are to come, now that these idiots know as long as they say it's about First Nation's rights; they can take the country hostage with no repercussions.

Joe Oliver: Trudeau’s panicky give-away to hereditary chiefs creates more chaos and confusion
So the government made some secret deal with the Hereditary Chief's, some blockades have come down and then more popped up. Nothing is resolved and our economy is losing. The big loss is to come. Major oil and gas projects have been cancelled since this shit started and planned ones are delayed. The bigger losses are to come, now that these idiots know as long as they say it's about First Nation's rights; they can take the country hostage with no repercussions.

Joe Oliver: Trudeau’s panicky give-away to hereditary chiefs creates more chaos and confusion
Holy shit, I can't believe how cucked Trudeau is. This is how you get balkanization and civil war. With Canadians being famously slow to anger, when this pot boils over I see regular Canadians painting the Great White North red. Marxism has metastasized in an ugly way for y'all and excising it is going to be rough.

Though to be fair, we have the same problems with our idiot commies and their advocates running amok. It's like no place is safe from the useful idiots.
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