As a current Navy reservist thinking of either cross-rating or transferring to another service, Id be interested to know more...or as much as one can know about the HUMINT program.
I've been reading about the Navy human intelligence rating for years and I'm very impressed by how little is available on the open internet.
Navy would be my preferred branch of service, but they don't allow entry level (man/woman off the street) contracts for the school. The Marine Corps is the same way. I totally understand why that is. The Army allows or has allowed folks to directly enlist into 35M in the past, which is not a direct comparison to Navy/Marine Corps HUMINT but it will get your foot in the door. As old as I am, I'm starting to look into going active duty Army 35M, if they'll allow me.
I don't know your age but if you've got the ASVAB scores and can get a clearance I don't see what the problem is. last I heard guys were still getting HUMINT contracts for AD and I definitely know the NG and USAR have plenty of slots for 35M/L
I don't know your age but if you've got the ASVAB scores and can get a clearance I don't see what the problem is. last I heard guys were still getting HUMINT contracts for AD and I definitely know the NG and USAR have plenty of slots for 35M/L

The Army Business Rules bulletin as per 01/14 says that there are only a handful of open MOS for prior service and 35M/L isn't one of them unless you already hold the MOS. I see DEP pools have declined in the last 6 months so maybe they'll open it back up for prior service non-MOS qualified.
As far as the Naval Officer side goes, there is no direct route to HUMINT but Intel and Information Dominance Warfare would be your starting points. Intel, more so than IDW.
I just got off the horn with USCG and they do have space available for active duty but the wait time to get to the Intelligence Specialist "A" school is 2-3 years. Like the Navy/USMC there is no direct path to HUMINT, and like the USMC, the HUMINT rating seems to be combined with counterintelligence.
The Army Business Rules bulletin as per 01/14 says that there are only a handful of open MOS for prior service and 35M/L isn't one of them unless you already hold the MOS. I see DEP pools have declined in the last 6 months so maybe they'll open it back up for prior service non-MOS qualified.

Yeah... They do that from time to time. I wonder if that is carrying over to reserve units as well right now. Usually even reserve Officers are guaranteed their slot. Maybe there has been a run on these slots and heave just shut it down until they can get a handle on the progress. Perhaps they will open it back up soon.
As far as the Naval Officer side goes, there is no direct route to HUMINT but Intel and Information Dominance Warfare would be your starting points. Intel, more so than IDW.

That is inline with what I have read. If you don't go to the active duty school the Reserve Officer course is stretched out over about a years worth of drills. By then it seems an Ensign would be about to automatically advance to Lt. Looks like any chance at all to specialize and go to the CI course wouldn't come until at least being a promotable Lt JG.