NC bans anti-discrimination


Verified SOF
Jan 7, 2009
There is nothing like taking away the ability of a people to govern themselves. NC's state government has passed a bill that removed a city's ability to effectively govern itself, or to incentivize people moving to their city/county. For a republican controlled house they seem pretty anti-free market. Isn't taking away power from the lower units and giving it to the central power what Republicans should hate more than anything?(other than immigrants,gays, Obama, and women's rights)

McCrory signs bill barring LGBT protections against discrimination ::

Obviously I'm against this, but not just for the discrimination piece. They are also keeping cities from changing minimum wages, and in my eyes trying to remove their ability to govern. Anyone have any reason this is good? Or necessary?
Me personally? I could care less. Problem is this "Feel good" piece of legislation brought forward by Jennifer Roberts took into consideration the rights of the LGBT community without really thinking about how predators and perverts could use this as a cloak when it comes to women and kids. Not to mention the reworking of facilities and the city of Charlotte setting precedence for it happening statewide.

More thought before hand into how this would work in all practicality could have precluded this. Instead it was a knee jerk reaction in response to the situation of this happening in a school elsewhere in the country.

Sorry, but if their safety trumps this legislation, I'm all for it.

Aw yes.......the great state of Mecklenburg in action once again. :rolleyes:
Me personally? I could care less. Problem is this "Feel good" piece of legislation brought forward by Jennifer Roberts took into consideration the rights of the LGBT community without really thinking about how predators and perverts could use this as a cloak when it comes to women and kids. Not to mention the reworking of facilities and the city of Charlotte setting precedence for it happening statewide.

More thought before hand into how this would work in all practicality could have precluded this. Instead it was a knee jerk reaction in response to the situation of this happening in a school elsewhere in the country.

Sorry, but if their safety trumps this legislation, I'm all for it.

Aw yes.......the great state of Mecklenburg in action once again. :rolleyes:

Did you read all of what the bill entails? Removing the status of all people currently covered under anti-discrimination clauses, including veterans.

The stuff about minimum wage and other economic things bothers me a great deal.
Personally, I think that is simply one more instance of where a "bigger" government dictates what a "smaller" government can do.

I don't see any good reasons or purposes for it other than possibly "someone's personal agenda."
I have been following this story for a couple reasons. For one, I am transgender. No, I am kidding. The prima fascie reasoning was the LGBT/unisex bathroom thing. That, I get, and I fully support. To me it isn't about discrimination at all. It's not like they are forbidding LGBT from using any bathroom. Polling showed a majority of the (Mecklenburg) county residents were against LGBT/unisex bathroom; the county caved to the cries of "discrimination". The state in deciding this not only carries the support of that county's voters in this specific case, but also those in the state in general.

For two, and this is where I really start having problems, are all the riders attached to the legislation, slipping in several items that may not have passed on their own. It's not a "R" thing or a "D" thing but a typical political power-and-control thing.
I have been following this story for a couple reasons. For one, I am transgender. No, I am kidding. The prima fascie reasoning was the LGBT/unisex bathroom thing. That, I get, and I fully support. To me it isn't about discrimination at all. It's not like they are forbidding LGBT from using any bathroom. Polling showed a majority of the (Mecklenburg) county residents were against LGBT/unisex bathroom; the county caved to the cries of "discrimination". The state in deciding this not only carries the support of that county's voters in this specific case, but also those in the state in general.

For two, and this is where I really start having problems, are all the riders attached to the legislation, slipping in several items that may not have passed on their own. It's not a "R" thing or a "D" thing but a typical political power-and-control thing.

Except this is a R and a D thing, as not a single democrat voted for it, and they actually walked out of the meeting. R's have a majority in the NC house and Senate, therefore they can basically do whatever they want. The riders in this are absurd.
For two, and this is where I really start having problems, are all the riders attached to the legislation, slipping in several items that may not have passed on their own. It's not a "R" thing or a "D" thing but a typical political power-and-control thing.

Agree with you 100%. I've lost track of the number of times I've seen a bill pass or not pass, not based on the bill itself, but on the last minute attachments. There is something just wrong and shady about that - especially when it is done at the last hour. Happens here in MN all the time.

At the same time, I'm a self-proclaimed hypocrite on that topic as that is how much of Minnesota's very good "conceal/carry" legislation has gotten thru. Including this years repeal of the Silencer Ban.
...and they actually walked out of the meeting.

I completely and totally disagree with their ability to do the above quoted portion. They should be admonished and punished -- in some form -- for not voting. When the electorate votes a Congressman or Senator into office, it is for them to "VOTE." Unless they are dead or in a hospital bed, they should vote.

If they don't like up and vote, don't do the reality TV bit and throw a fit and walk out like a kindergartner does.
I used to live in Charlotte. There's a pretty big gay population in "The Queen City." The public restrooms at city parks, especially Freedom Park, which was near my home, were notorious hangouts for promiscuous gays. You take your kid to the park, you walk into the men's room and dudes are blowing each other. There was no shortage of predators, lone men sitting in their cars watching everybody. It was creepy. Fuck that. Get a fuckin room.

My only opinion about gays is...It's an exit not an entrance.

As far as the OP I defer to the more learned gentlemen above.
Except this is a R and a D thing, as not a single democrat voted for it, and they actually walked out of the meeting. R's have a majority in the NC house and Senate, therefore they can basically do whatever they want. The riders in this are absurd.

Yeah, no argument from me. The R's are getting a big kick out of their power, what with being on the other side for so long (and I am not justifying it....I actually hate the way they are acting).

Edited to add, clarifying about not a R/D thing, it is typical of whichever party is in power. They both do it. The dems did it for years when they held the majority. I didn't like it then, I don't like it now. Not about "party", it's about power.
I completely and totally disagree with their ability to do the above quoted portion. They should be admonished and punished -- in some form -- for not voting. When the electorate votes a Congressman or Senator into office, it is for them to "VOTE." Unless they are dead or in a hospital bed, they should vote.

If they don't like up and vote, don't do the reality TV bit and throw a fit and walk out like a kindergartner does.

I totally agree with you! I found it disgusting that they walked out. They were elected to fight not walk out like bitches.
Also, looking at this as only a bathroom thing or a LGBT thing is myopic. Discrimination can be based on way more variables and all of those are at risk now.
With something like the bathroom thing , sometimes it feels like we are trying to create a solution for something that isn't even a problem.
Are there already laws protecting against discrimination?

I hate creating protected classes. LGBT and Veteran communities shouldn't be given any more freedoms than anyone else.
Are there already laws protecting against discrimination?

I hate creating protected classes. LGBT and Veteran communities shouldn't be given any more freedoms than anyone else.

They are taking those away, and not allowing new ones.

You aren't given more freedoms, you are not allowed to be discriminated against. Currently in some places people can not hire you based on veteran status(that is BS) they can not hire you because you like to fuck other dudes(also BS).
I think the point of local government is to represent the people in the community. If for example the city of Durham wishes to raise the minimum wage to $20 dollars an hour, they should be able to. Whether that is a good choice or not is up to them, and it will reflect in the growth or depression of the population and businesses.

Same for these other laws. If a city wants to be welcoming to LGBT or other groups than they should be able to make laws that impact the citizens of their city. They should not be prevented by a state government somewhere that doesn't reflect their values. This is just like "state's rights" which many on here have said should be the norm when it comes to many social issues we have discussed here. This is an example of the Republicans in my state doing what they claim to hate so much.
They are taking those away, and not allowing new ones.

You aren't given more freedoms, you are not allowed to be discriminated against. Currently in some places people can not hire you based on veteran status(that is BS) they can not hire you because you like to fuck other dudes(also BS).
That's why businesses don't tell you why you're not being hired. They absolutely should be able to choose who they want for whatever reason they want.
That's why businesses don't tell you why you're not being hired. They absolutely should be able to choose who they want for whatever reason they want.

So they should be able to not hire someone because they are black? Latino? Come on dude, that is fucking ridiculous.
That's why businesses don't tell you why you're not being hired. They absolutely should be able to choose who they want for whatever reason they want.

I have to disagree with you on this. Maybe I should not take you literal, but the way you put it, a business person should have the right to not hire someone based on race/gender/orientation. As a person who does a lot of hiring, I can tell you that I do not need laws to make me hire (or not hire) someone based on those criteria. But I know A LOT of folks who would make their decision based on it.

Here in Minnesota they just changed the law so that you cannot ask the "have you ever been convicted" question on the initial application. The reason? It was found that Target (HQ is in Minneapolis) and most places for that matter, would not even call someone for an interview who answered 'yes' to that question. With the way it is now, at least a person can get a face-to-face interview and maybe impress a potential employer enough to take a chance on them when it comes to the conversation around background checks. I'm about as socially and fiscally conservative as they come, but I also know the difference between what is right and what is just wrong. Some don't, or don't care...and need a law or two to keep all things relatively equal.