NC bans anti-discrimination

One in the same my brother, if you're not convicted, it didn't happen. Now morally that sounds fucking wrong, but legally it's the way it is.

I don't know man. I don't think people should have to live in fear of being caught for laws that are stupid.
I don't know man. I don't think people should have to live in fear of being caught for laws that are stupid.

I do agree, hints my views on a whole slew of laws in society and my point in the other thread about if trans people are not acting a fool and are being discreet, nobody knows the wiser. Yet if they are acting border line indecent, some laws would protect them, while removing protection for the other side of this argument. But I digress, as I've already offered my opinions and reasoning's, and tend to feel it falls upon deaf ears (or blind eyes in this format). ;-)

Edit for spelling.
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I do agree, hints my views on a whole slew of laws in society and my point in the other thread about if trans people are not acting a fool and are being discreet, nobody knows the wiser. Yet if they are acting border line indecent, some laws would protect them, while removing protection for the other side of this argument. But I digress, as I've already offered my opinions and reasoning's, and tend to feel it falls upon death ears (or eyes in this format). ;-)

Dude you need to work on your idioms.
Bro the law says you cannot use the bathroom unless it is for your biological sex. So you would be breaking the law doing otherwise.

What you are saying is I'm not forced to follow the speed limit, there are simply sanctions IF I get caught. That is literally the definition of breaking the law....

My point is: so it's against the law, big deal who cares? Are there REALLY "pecker checkers" posted outside private bathrooms in NC? Is anyone really going to know f the law is violated?

Lois Lerner broke the law, Hillary Clinton broke the law, Eric Holder broke the law, etc.

The Executive Branch, who is legally bound to enforce the laws of the US, is pretty wishy washy on issues much worse than this.

Prosecutorial Discretion and the Expansion of Executive Power: An Analysis of the Holder Memorandum

Regardless, I'm not seeing anywhere in here where it says who can or cannot use facilites but this bill is about the CREATION of multi-sex bathrooms.
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My point is: so it's against the law, big deal who cares? Are there REALLY "pecker checkers" posted outside private bathrooms in NC? Is anyone really going to know f the law is violated?

Lois Lerner broke the law, Hillary Clinton broke the law, Eric Holder broke the law, etc.

The Executive Branch, who is legally bound to enforce the laws of the US, is pretty wishy washy on issues much worse than this.

Prosecutorial Discretion and the Expansion of Executive Power: An Analysis of the Holder Memorandum

Regardless, I'm not seeing anywhere in here where it says who can or cannot use facilites but this bill is about the CREATION of multi-sex bathrooms.

Can you go a single post without talking about Hillary? Fuck man it is getting to be a broken record.

For the second part, this law is about restricting the use of bathrooms to the biological sex at birth. If you think it says something different your opinion would be groundbreaking. It certainly isn't about the creation of multiple sex bathrooms.
Can you go a single post without talking about Hillary? Fuck man it is getting to be a broken record.

For the second part, this law is about restricting the use of bathrooms to the biological sex at birth. If you think it says something different your opinion would be groundbreaking. It certainly isn't about the creation of multiple sex bathrooms.

Maybe that debate style works on MSNBC or but here I thought it was customary to actually cite material that supports a particular stance/viewpoint. Anytime someone offers an opposing viewpoint, you go on the direct attack without even supporting your position but add even more emotion. Your arguments are completely devoid of basic deductive logic or even supplemental facts either for or against.

I provided the bill and the text is pretty clear that there is no punishment therein. Where's the force or even punishment that you claim? The bill prohibits multiple sex bathrooms in government buildings because it authorizes single-sex only (inverse statement).

Here is a article that adds "transgender people have no legal right to the bathroom of their choosing" under the NC law but allows private businesses to operate as they see fit. (Absence of a right does not equal prohibition.) So Chick Fil-a can operate as is but XXX Fil-a can do whatever they want to include one bathroom for all customers. The venue of the Perl Jam concert was well within their ability to operate bathrooms as they wanted. Private companies may do the same even when the rent State facilities.

Understanding HB2: North Carolina’s newest law solidifies state’s role in defining discrimination

Nobody is being compelled or forced to do anything. Like other progressive agendas, this is "Facebook outrage" without any real damage occurring, unlike what the others that I mentioned have done...all are currently being sued. How many lawsuits are associated with the NC law? I'm confident they're coming but I didn't find any yet.

Then we come to this article that wraps it all up.

North Carolina Under Attack From the Left For Passage of House Bill 2 | RedState

Much ado about nothing.

The sky isn't falling, Rome isn't Bern'ing, and Trump isn't in the White House just yet.
Maybe that debate style works on MSNBC or but here I thought it was customary to actually cite material that supports a particular stance/viewpoint. Anytime someone offers an opposing viewpoint, you go on the direct attack without even supporting your position but add even more emotion. Your arguments are completely devoid of basic deductive logic or even supplemental facts either for or against.

Nice try dude, my only direct attack was to say that you bring Hillary into every single fucking thread. It is tiresome. Even in a forum filled with people that hate Hillary, myself included, you go above and beyond. Bravo.

The law you posted was plenty of evidence for what I have said. I don't need to supply a source when you have done so. The law says what I have said it says from the beginning.

I provided the bill and the text is pretty clear that there is no punishment therein. Where's the force or even punishment that you claim? The bill prohibits multiple sex bathrooms in government buildings because it authorizes single-sex only (inverse statement).

This bill has taken away a city's ability to add protections, and made void the protections offered previously that add to what the state says is ok. Like the article you posted said,"The new law also nullified local ordinances around the state that would have expanded protections for the LGBT community." IF you do not think that that is harmful well then great, we disagree. I don't even think you live in my state, so why do you give a fuck?

Here is a article that adds "transgender people have no legal right to the bathroom of their choosing" under the NC law but allows private businesses to operate as they see fit. (Absence of a right does not equal prohibition.) So Chick Fil-a can operate as is but XXX Fil-a can do whatever they want to include one bathroom for all customers. The venue of the Perl Jam concert was well within their ability to operate bathrooms as they wanted. Private companies may do the same even when the rent State facilities.

Here is the thing, from the link you provided:
  • Private businesses can establish their own practices concerning LGBT employees and customers; the new law does not allow so-called “public policy common law” complaints in state courts to challenge those practices.- This means that if someone does do something fucked up. People have no legal recourse.
  • The law limits how people pursue claims of discrimination because of race, religion, color, national origin, biological sex or handicap in state courts. The law also means a city or county cannot set a minimum wage standard for private employers.
Nobody is being compelled or forced to do anything. Like other progressive agendas, this is "Facebook outrage" without any real damage occurring, unlike what the others that I mentioned have done...all are currently being sued. How many lawsuits are associated with the NC law? I'm confident they're coming but I didn't find any yet.

So no one is affected by this? I am sure this person is. I am sure I can find a thousand stories like her's. But he is only .03 percent, so fuck them right? There is also the matter of what happened in VA today

Then we come to this article that wraps it all up.

North Carolina Under Attack From the Left For Passage of House Bill 2 | RedState

Much ado about nothing.

The sky isn't falling, Rome isn't Bern'ing, and Trump isn't in the White House just yet.

Yeah that last one is such a garbage source I don't know where to start. The only reference provided is from Govenor McCrory's Q/A about the bill. Which has been fact checked here, here, here another point here. Using an editorial like that, as if it is some sort of mike drop is disingenuous.