NC bans anti-discrimination

Bad analogy. A convicted felon loses their right to owning a firearm.
Are we going to make all felons now walk around with catheters?
Negative, a good analogy. A convicted sex offender must stay away from children, schools, playgrounds.etc.. and is required to register where they live and be susceptible to search and inspection at their house at all times by law enforcement. So the argument could be made that it is worse to be registered as an offender than to just lose your gun rights. The analogy still stands.
So, something just occurred to me with this issue and some of the comments here. Much of the support for the bathroom law is centered on the fear that someone “could” abuse it for nefarious purposes. However, most of us here are avid proponents for our gun rights, which has to deal with the often tried argument from anti-gunners “someone ‘could’ abuse it for nefarious purposes”.

None of this really matters until the first cases make it to trial for the beat downs that are going to occur when men are going to go into the female bathrooms and the husbands and fathers aren't going to appreciate it.

I know that when I am waiting on my wife or daughter-in-law at the theater or mall...and dudette decides he is feeling feminine that day, he isn't getting past me. I'll deal with the consequences later.
@Centermass obviously you feel strongly about this. Having no morals I guess my question would be why?

C'mon dude. I never accused you of having no morals. Ever dealt with a peeper, predator or molester? That's why.

This is like gun control laws to me. Gun control laws only affect those who follow the law, right? So criminals-which pedophiles most certainly are- will still be free to roam the women's restrooms, pee standing next to your little boy, and all the other nasty shit they may do. Because that is what criminals do.

The next time a woman walks into a men's room and takes a piss standing up next to a little boy, I won't feel bad for the traumatized child, or the traumatized parent, because at least some sex offender wasn't possibly able to maybe take advantage of a law to look at little Susy peeing.


Ok. Now we're just getting stupid.
C'mon dude. I never accused you of having no morals. Ever dealt with a peeper, predator or molester? That's why.

Ok. Now we're just getting stupid.

No, you implied that people who are against this have the moral high ground though. You said "there are still people in NC with morals." That is an absurd thing to say.
Negative, a good analogy. A convicted sex offender must stay away from children, schools, playgrounds.etc.. and is required to register where they live and be susceptible to search and inspection at their house at all times by law enforcement. So the argument could be made that it is worse to be registered as an offender than to just lose your gun rights. The analogy still stands.

No where in your argument have you addressed a bathroom, though. If you want to ban them from using a public toilet, okay then. We are making headway.

Things like this is why I appreciate this forum. There is not group-think on every topic here and I enjoy reading and having a good discussion with those who think differently. It's good to see where others are coming from and why.
No, you implied that people who are against this have the moral high ground though. You said "there are still people in NC with morals." That is an absurd thing to say.

You can also add principles and beliefs to my absurd comments as well.
Ask restaurants (and other public/business locations) to put a unisex bathroom in addition to the other bathrooms, give them a dollar per dollar tax break for doing so.
Those who identify outside their biological sex can use that bathroom.

Not sure it would be worth the cost for them to capitulate to a 0.3% population group.. would be better just to call it a "family restroom" and have it more functional.
No. CHARLOTTE created an ordinance in which there was no problem. That ordinance created the possibility of an ideal environment for perverts, pedophiles, and biological males, to wander the confines of shared facilities with women and children. The defense being as simple as "I identify as a female - and that's why I'm in here." And to those that say "These laws don't serve to keep sex offenders out anymore than the previous law" um, yeah, they do. You got a "Johnson?" Then go hang it either in the men's room or a unisex single stall bathroom. The state responded because of it. Women shouldn't have to feel unsure or uncomfortable in a facility, let alone, their children.

And it wasn't primarily a religious agenda that created the backlash. It was people with common sense, regardless of party affiliation, with wives and daughters. There are those, that no matter how much you can try to make sense to, will never understand (Or care for that matter) that the ordinance in question was not a referendum, but a directorate, by a mayor, in response to a push for it by a group known as the Charlotte Business Guild - WHO'S PRESIDENT IS A PEDOPHILE. In other words, a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER.

I for one, stand by the governor for taking action. There are still a majority in this state - that still have morals, deeply held values and beliefs, unlike those in the mainstream, who threaten to take their ball and go somewhere else to play.

The most brilliant example of an appeal to fear and argumentum ad populum I've seen this week.

And we're in a presidential campaign year, so that's really saying something. I'm still wiping coffee off my keyboard.
No where in your argument have you addressed a bathroom, though. If you want to ban them from using a public toilet, okay then. We are making headway.

Things like this is why I appreciate this forum. There is not group-think on every topic here and I enjoy reading and having a good discussion with those who think differently. It's good to see where others are coming from and why.
The bathroom is just one part of the overall picture. Thing is, if you are a parent worthy of the title, you already do not send your young children into a public restroom unattended. Someone does not have to be a sexual predator to be a danger to your children. The law is pointless and does nothing to fix the problem, much like the multitude of gun laws on the books and proposed by gun control advocates.

I also appreciate the forum and your responses. It is a good way to flesh out (bad pun) new ideas, and to see old ones from new angles. Thanks for the lively debate!
The bathroom is just one part of the overall picture. Thing is, if you are a parent worthy of the title, you already do not send your young children into a public restroom unattended. Someone does not have to be a sexual predator to be a danger to your children. The law is pointless and does nothing to fix the problem, much like the multitude of gun laws on the books and proposed by gun control advocates.

I also appreciate the forum and your responses. It is a good way to flesh out (bad pun) new ideas, and to see old ones from new angles. Thanks for the lively debate!

Back when my wee ones were using public rest rooms, my concern was about health risks as much as anything else. How filthy was the place. If he had to take a crap, he sat on several layers of toilet paper even after some lysol spray. If the urinal he had to use was too high for him to hit, it was the crapper, or Dad held him up high enough. Those reasons are in place for my grand kids today. One is in middle school now, and I still go in with him for the health, and what he touches reasons. My concern about interfacing with a pedarast or some drunk/drugged mindless idiot is there to some degree, and if it comes up, I'll be there for that too. The older they get, the more my reason seems to be that I gotta go too.

One question is, @ what age do you feel comfortable letting your kids use the public restroom on his/her own?
The bathroom is just one part of the overall picture. Thing is, if you are a parent worthy of the title, you already do not send your young children into a public restroom unattended. Someone does not have to be a sexual predator to be a danger to your children.

Hmmm, I think I've earned/earning the title of being a good father. I've been in several situations where I could not attend my daughters in the restroom. Not taking them into the men's, and when mom or another trusted woman is not around, you're a bit out of options, try to knock on doors clear it out if you can, call an employee if possible, but when a 4 year girl with a full bladder is doing the pee-pee dance. You run short on options.
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Back when my wee ones were using public rest rooms, my concern was about health risks as much as anything else. How filthy was the place. If he had to take a crap, he sat on several layers of toilet paper even after some lysol spray. If the urinal he had to use was too high for him to hit, it was the crapper, or Dad held him up high enough. Those reasons are in place for my grand kids today. One is in middle school now, and I still go in with him for the health, and what he touches reasons. My concern about interfacing with a pedarast or some drunk/drugged mindless idiot is there to some degree, and if it comes up, I'll be there for that too. The older they get, the more my reason seems to be that I gotta go too.

One question is, @ what age do you feel comfortable letting your kids use the public restroom on his/her own?
All excellent points. As to your question, that is a difficult call. Mine is only 6 at the moment, but he will not go by himself until he is able to defend himself from an advance, or I can see who is coming and going. As with anything, I think a degree of common sense would be called for and no solution fits all contingencies. @Diamondback 2/2, I don't have a little girl so I don't know what to do, I would probably use the same thought process you do when formulating a solution for this specific problem.
Hmmm, I think I've earned/earning the title of being a good father. I've been in several situations where I could not attend my daughters in the restroom. Not taking them into the men's, and when mom or another trusted woman is not around, you're a bit out of options, try to knock on doors clear it out if you can, call an employee if possible, but when a 4 year girl with a full bladder is doing the pee-pee dance. You run short on options.

BTDT. I took her into the men's room with me, in my arms. Straight to the crapper, and then it was business as usual. When she was done, it was from the crapper straight out of the rest room. I used as many handi wipes as it took to clean her hands. If the sink area was shielded, we would do a hand wash. I never heard a bad remark.

I little tip. Next time you are at Walmart, Kroger, drug store, pick up a couple of boxes of the small cotton alcohol swabs. They are the same ones the nurses clean your skin with before a needle stick. They are High Grade bug killers, that you can carry in your pocket. I usually have a dozen or so. They are good enough for a quick hand clean (takes 2 or 3), quick clean small surfaces, clean your wiper blades. Get them, and carry them, you will find many uses for them, and they are the best bug killers you can carry.
I don't get to see Pearl Jam this week due to this law. They canceled their show as a protest. Fucking backwards ass NC
Couple remarks. Because of the drought, restrooms around here have low-flow sinks and soap dispensers. The dispensers in particular, often are empty. Hence public restrooms, especially crowded, are bug incubators.
Sex offenders. Watch out for them outside restrooms, too, not just inside. They won't all be weenie-waggers, so there's no one size for all, but the behavior will be hinky enough to warrant a second and third look at the individual. One precaution parents can take when taking the young uns in public, in the age of cell phones: take a picture of them, from head to toe. If there's more than one child, take individual pictures, not in group. Worst case, abduction, perp may try and change their appearance by putting a hat on the kid, maybe a tee-shirt or sweater of different style/color. But they usually won't take the time to bother with shoes. Hence the head to toe picture. When I look for a lost kid at work, I scan the crowd for size,then narrow down to shoes, provided we have the proper decsrip.

Which we rarely do.