Need input on an opportunity

Sierra Bravo

Mind Bender
Nov 6, 2009
I need some advice regarding the following:

I am re-enlisting (USAR) and have a choice of 37F (TacPsyop) or an Intel Mos.

which MOS would be more suitable to transferring to a future SF slot ? (group / Battalion etc.)

I missed the age cutoff for ODA's :(

any positive input would be greatly appreciated
Both support Special Operations. (Technically, Psyop IS a special operations unit). Intel Soldiers have positions within SF Battalions and Groups, but SF Units are National Guard, not USAR.

So, the answer is either, neither, or both.
Thank you
That's kinda what I figured.

Just looking for the best route to becoming a strong asset.

I chose USAR because there isn't an NGSF near me and also my age prevents me from going direct.
So I am attempting to get into a solid feeder MOS and eventually transfer to an NGSF if the opportunity presents itself.

If not, then I still want to get into an MOS that can support the SF/SOF mission
Not having an NG SF unit in your state should not limit you to your selection. Go where the unit is. I have known people in my old unit in Miami that lived in Maryland and Texas, but because my unit was in Miami, they enjoyed the one weekend a month and two weeks a year there.

As far as the MOS. I'd say that some POG units are broken at the moment in a theater respect, and because I am very bias towards intel, I would say go intel and be all that you can be. Someone will notice and your opportunities will grow.
What do you want to do? That's what you should be thinking about, if you have choices......
Thanks for the kick in the ass!

Seriously though I know what my ultimate end goal is
I am just trying to line up the best path there and hit all the 25m targets along the way
If your end state is to be SF support why are you reenlisting into a non-SF unit? You do know you can enlist directly into 19th or 20th Group?

As for distance, when I am home I drive 7 hours to drill... The sacrifice made driving is minimal compared to the benefits received...

As for the MOS, there arent any 37F slots in SF. There are however Intel guys at both Group and BN level.

Last I checked there are no 37-series enlisted billets on an SF Group MTOE.

There are dozens, perhaps scores, of 35-series.

If your goal is to work in an SF group, 35-series is probably the way to go.

Additionally, if you decide you want to stay SOF, your opportunities for varied assignments are much increased in intel vs. PSYOP.
My memory is a bit dated, and I'm sure I'll miss a few, but as I recall an SF Support Co. has: 25B, 25C, 25S, 31C?, and 25F in the Signal Detachment. MI has probably every MI MOS under the sun. The Service Det has light wheeled vehicle mechanics, supply, electronic maintenance (35E was the major MOS there), cooks, and parachute riggers. HHD will have supply, admin (71L), NBC NCO, MI, and a few others that escape me.

If you are going in for rank you will be disappointed. If you are going in for schools you'll probably be disappointed. If you are going in to do a job you'll rarely be disappointed.

It depends on what you want to do with that life.
Thanks for the input

As for distance, I would travel across the globe to serve, that's not really an issue for me.

being that there wasn't an NGSF near me made it difficult to interact with and get straight answers from decision makers more than anything.

Just small obstacles that I will work through.

These were just the opportunities presented to me.

and on a side note I'd just like to add I have much respect for your profession and what you have accomplished.
Not having an NG SF unit in your state should not limit you to your selection. Go where the unit is. I have known people in my old unit in Miami that lived in Maryland and Texas, but because my unit was in Miami, they enjoyed the one weekend a month and two weeks a year there.

As far as the MOS. I'd say that some POG units are broken at the moment in a theater respect, and because I am very bias towards intel, I would say go intel and be all that you can be. Someone will notice and your opportunities will grow.

It's not the distance so much, it's the lack of direct communication to any NGSF near me. I want to make sure it's a good fit on both sides. I understand the OPTEMPO keeps them hopping and connecting with them is difficult at best and I am not their priority so it's understandable.

I am not a school monger but did like the opps 37F offered in that regard.

but yes, like you mentioned Intel side of the house is a more direct route to my ultimate goal.

Thanks for the input
My memory is a bit dated, and I'm sure I'll miss a few, but as I recall an SF Support Co. has: 25B, 25C, 25S, 31C?, and 25F in the Signal Detachment. MI has probably every MI MOS under the sun. The Service Det has light wheeled vehicle mechanics, supply, electronic maintenance (35E was the major MOS there), cooks, and parachute riggers. HHD will have supply, admin (71L), NBC NCO, MI, and a few others that escape me.

If you are going in for rank you will be disappointed. If you are going in for schools you'll probably be disappointed. If you are going in to do a job you'll rarely be disappointed.



Ultimately I want to be an asset in whatever role is afforded me.

1. Job

2. Schools

3. Rank

In that order

It depends on what you want to do with that life.

I want to do something amazing ;)
It's not the distance so much, it's the lack of direct communication to any NGSF near me...

That is no ones fault but your own.

There is a POC list for every unit in both 19th and 20th Group on, where I know you posted the same question. There are several NGSF recruiters who are members there as well.

If you have questions call the unit. For MI questions you will need to call the BN or Group HQ.

Take if for what you will but.... I have an opportunity that I may not be able to take advantage of because of this exact circumstance.

Either go Guard or Reserve would be my advice. It's a nightmare going from one to the other. In my case I'm looking at transferring from AGR Guard to RA after my tour and it's insane the amount of hoops I would need to jump through. This is an environment that I thought would simplify the process because of the "Active Army" status AGR's supposedly hold. Not so....

On my side


Conditional Release to IRR (wherein I need a CG to approve as well as my entire chain)
Coordinate with HRC (so I can get where I want)
Coordination with the gaining Unit (So I can get where I want)

Honestly, pick a target and fire would be my two cents. Anything else will just waste time and energy (possibly money).

I have a buddy in the MID Det over in Utah I can put you in contact with if you're curious about that lane, he's a 35M type.
I can't edit this, so I want to make one addition.

I do not intend to even consider this till my tour of duty is square with the folks I'm currently with. They've taken real good care of me and I wouldn't ever do something to jeopardize that relationship.
Take if for what you will but.... I have an opportunity that I may not be able to take advantage of because of this exact circumstance.

Either go Guard or Reserve would be my advice. It's a nightmare going from one to the other. In my case I'm looking at transferring from AGR Guard to RA after my tour and it's insane the amount of hoops I would need to jump through. This is an environment that I thought would simplify the process because of the "Active Army" status AGR's supposedly hold. Not so....

On my side


Conditional Release to IRR (wherein I need a CG to approve as well as my entire chain)
Coordinate with HRC (so I can get where I want)
Coordination with the gaining Unit (So I can get where I want)

Honestly, pick a target and fire would be my two cents. Anything else will just waste time and energy (possibly money).

I have a buddy in the MID Det over in Utah I can put you in contact with if you're curious about that lane, he's a 35M type.
Something that I see no one else has mentioned regarding Special Operations as a Reservist. Instead of going to the NG you could go to an Intel Reserve TPU and get MOS-Q then when the time is right become an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (Look it up on AKO) at SOCOM or one of its Regional Sub Commands. Active duty SOF units might use IMAs as well. An IMA is a Drilling Reservist who does his BDTAs with an Active Duty unit. So you would have to go NG to go 18 series but if you get an MI MOS you can still be SOF support. I looked into a NG SF group late last year and they were not even taking my MOS at the MI DET at the time and was told to call back closer to the deployment they are headed out to. So going NG MI is not a "given". I have friends who are 35M/L at SOCxyz and they seem to enjoy life. There are also MI units (particularly in HUMINT or CI Companies) that while not SOF on paper do some pretty "special" things and get high speed schools as well. Which is something to think about when age is a concern.