new guy

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super pog
Jul 5, 2010
Hey everybody I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put on here so I'll just say my name's Mario, I'm a Cpl. in the USMC. I have lots of respect for all of you special warfare guys, and I know you've probably heard this a million times but I hope to be one one day. I'm trying to get a seat in the September/October class for MARSOC A&S, and I joined this site to see if I could get any tips from any recent graduates of A&S. I'm very confident in my physical ability, I run a 300 PFT and CFT, and even though I literally had never swam in my life before boot camp, I've been going to the pool everyday and I feel I'm very strong in the water. I already have a secret clearance and speak Spanish, as well as some Italian and I'm learning Farsi on Rosetta Stone.

I know there's been some debate on wether POGs can go through the CSO pipeline. All the packages I'm filling out are for a CSO billet, so I'm hoping maybe the rules are different now. With that being said, I am SUPER POG, I've been in 3 years, never deployed, haven't done land nav or anything Marine Corps related besides shoot at the rifle range once every year. I've seen and heard people talking about how shitty POGs do at A&S, and wanted to see if any of you guys could give me some advice.

But as far as military stuff thats me in a nutshell. Again, lot's of respect for you guys, looking forward to posting here.
Welcome aboard Marine.

My info is dated as I'm retired, but the last I heard it's open to all MOSs, as long as you pass selection. Do well.

Semper Fidelis.
Welcom to SS! Thank you for your service and best of luck to you in your endeavors!
Damn lil brother!! You blew your wad on your intro.......can't wait to see what you ask next!!!!!!

but Welcome!!
Nuthin' wrong with being a Super Pogue (different service, different spelling :evil:)

What do you do as a pogue?

Welcome aboard!
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