new member Introduction


Sep 2, 2013
Hi all,

I am a USMC veteran. I came upon this site while searching online for information on the process of re entering the Corps in the Marine Reserves and applying for MARSOC CSO A&S. I found a very helpful posting from a fella on this site, further shared by the moderators here. the post shared the play by play of his experience of submitting the application and whole pipeline of the process that followed. Anyhow, that's what led me here and I'm anxious to find ut more and get my own process started. I've actually been at this for a while now but have had less than satisfactory PSRs handling their end of the bargain, so I'm looking to give it another go with a different PSR and using the new MARADMIN 280/13 as guidance and reference. If any of you have any experience with all of this, any and all advice is very much appreciated. To sum it up. That's why I'm here. Having looked around for a bit, this seems like a great community you all have here and I'm happy to be here, so thanks for having me!
Welcome aboard. But sorry, we've reached our annual quota of Marines, if you'll take a number you can wait in the lobby until a slot opens up....:-":ROFLMAO::sneaky:

The MSgt liked my post and the Sgt hated my post... therefore, MSgt wins Fox, remove your hate or I'll sick 0699 and Bruno on you.
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Welcome Marine.

Don't pay any attention to SF Med. There's always room for Marines here.
Welcome aboard. But sorry, we've reached our annual quota of Marines, if you'll take a number you can wait in the lobby until a slot opens up....:-":ROFLMAO::sneaky:

The MSgt liked my post and the Sgt hated my post... therefore, MSgt wins Fox, remove your hate or I'll sick 0699 and Bruno on you.
Marines are dangerous alone and lethal in numbers.
Hey sir. Ever read the story about a platoon of Marines landing on a beach and encountering a Paratrooper?


I'm not sure that actually ever happened. I know that the Army did insert paratroopers into the pacific but I believe it was only into Corregidor and Papua New Guinea. In any event, no Marines landed on those beaches that I know of. As X SF Med implied, if there was to be a paratrooper meeting a Marine on the beach, the paratrooper would likely also be a Marine. Maybe in Grenada? I don't know.