new member introduction


Oct 13, 2015
new york
I am a senior from New York who is trying to maintain my sanity until graduation, then I then Intend on joining the Marines. and if and possibly attempting to try out for Marsoc

Just a side note and something I forgot to mention in my first post , I intend on joining the military at some point. Either after high school or enlisting once I have finished college. even though I am probably going to go to college first since because I partially see it as chance to improve myself mentally physically and grow as a person and get an education so my best before enlisting . So I wanted to post this clear some things up like why I may not post a much if even if I intended on joining the military. or seem out of the loop because military service is not my priority at the moment so I do not come of as somebody who kid who does not take things seriously.

I hope this clears things up

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Welcome to the site.

Everyone is different so you'll have to use your own judgement, but if I could go back in time I would have enlisted right out of high school. Almost all of my friends/acquaintances who joined upon graduation are so much further along in pretty much every aspect of life compared with college students, like myself. They're more mature, better off financially (there are these things called student loans that are not fun), and have done more in the age span of 18-22 than most people will do in a lifetime. Just some food for thought. Best of luck to you.
Welcome. I'll throw in a perspective from the other side. Still in college and I am happy I went that route. Even though I have never been a partier, I had a lot of growing up to do that I've since done, a dying/dead engagement to get out of, and it led me to a job that I thoroughly enjoy and can look forward to trying to make of value once it is time to enlist. They are all things I think were important for me personally to have done/learned/experienced etc. before I enlisted. I am happier and better because of it all, but what is best for me might not be right for you and I by no means think college is a necessity. As long as you got a plan, some ambition, and do what you love then rock on.