North Korean Defense Minister Executed by Antiaircraft Fire, South Says


Verified Military
Sep 7, 2006
I'd say let North Korea and ISIS duke it out, but given how underfed the NK army (or population for that matter) is fed, dunno how long a fight this would be....:P
Damn. SIX AA guns? That is a lot of firepower for one dude. There couldn't have been much left.
That was probably the point. That many ZPU's or ZU's would leave a mark.

I realize it was a statement method, even then. 1 ZSU 23-4 would have shredded him. 6 seems over the top, even for a psychopathic North Korean dictator with self-esteem issues.
I realize it was a statement method, even then. 1 ZSU 23-4 would have shredded him. 6 seems over the top, even for a psychopathic North Korean dictator with self-esteem issues.

I imagine when you're that far gone nothing seems excessive.
So, is everyone in a leadership position in that country batshit crazy or what? At what point do a few of them look around the room knowing they could be next (for literally any reason) and say, hey, we need to band together and get rid of this guy (Un); ie a coup. There must be a few people there that aren't completely void of any reason/common sense...but maybe not. :-/
Dear Leader's political enemies are everywhere, but so are his spies. There are a few people that are not devoid of reason but they're outnumbered by those who don't want to eat a barrage of 14.5mm.
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Mr. Hyon, a lifetime military man with a short political career, was appointed in June as minister of the People’s Armed Forces, the fourth person to hold the post in 2½ years. The job consists of taking care of troops’ welfare. Mr. Hyon is a likely candidate to raise objections to Mr. Kim’s demands, said Chang Yong-seok, a senior researcher at Seoul National University’s Institute for Peace and Unification.

OK... ~6mo average tenure for the position.... taking care of the troops... this surely shows Fearless Leader does not give a half a fuck about anything but himself.
I think he went that far overboard on the firepower so that there wasn't enough left for starving scroungers to eat, both the two and four legged variety that seem to be universally prevalent there.
I believe he is eliminating all of the bad influential members of legacy regime in order to reunite the peninsula in a good way. He just needs to keep up the show a bit longer in order to break the spirit of anyone that may try to oppose his plan before freeing his people and allowing the reunification to occur. Or maybe he is just nuts.
I believe he is eliminating all of the bad influential members of legacy regime in order to reunite the peninsula in a good way. He just needs to keep up the show a bit longer in order to break the spirit of anyone that may try to oppose his plan before freeing his people and allowing the reunification to occur. Or maybe he is just nuts.

I'm assuming you're being sarcastic correct?