North Korean Defense Minister Executed by Antiaircraft Fire, South Says

I think he went that far overboard on the firepower so that there wasn't enough left for starving scroungers to eat, both the two and four legged variety that seem to be universally prevalent there.

I think he is just lazy and cheap...

I think he wanted to eliminate and bury -- all in one move.
What can I say, I always felt there is no such thing as over kill. I hope the others in his government notice this and figure out that they maybe next, unless they arrange a similar experience for Dear Leader.
I wonder how long it will be, before this obliteration shows up on You Tube? Whoever posts it first, gets a cookie:sneaky:.
I agree the fat little fuck is crazier than a shithouse rat, or a kiwi, or a Marine. :thumbsup: The rest of it, notsomuch.:hmm:

Ah, Mr douchebag who insists on being called Troll vs troll. Kiwi is spelled with a capital first letter, you wanker.
Using AA to execute someone. These guys must really be bored. I guess forcing people's whole families into concentration camps for not working 7 days a week loses it's appeal.
This thing does make me laugh. A recent Game of Thrones episode has people up in arms, including a Senator on her Twitter account. The issue is the rape of a character who is allegedly in her teens. The act isn't shown but you see the beginning and hear it in action.


The show, whatever you think of it, has had numerous beheadings of people and animals, the killing of a fetus and the mom, torture (lots and lots of that), and whatever I'm forgetting. This clown in NK is no different and yet people are still shocked when he pulls some crap like this?

We're not going to do anything about it so what's the point to our anger?
This thing does make me laugh. A recent Game of Thrones episode has people up in arms, including a Senator on her Twitter account. The issue is the rape of a character who is allegedly in her teens. The act isn't shown but you see the beginning and hear it in action.


The show, whatever you think of it, has had numerous beheadings of people and animals, the killing of a fetus and the mom, torture (lots and lots of that), and whatever I'm forgetting. This clown in NK is no different and yet people are still shocked when he pulls some crap like this?

We're not going to do anything about it so what's the point to our anger?

I saw a quote from the actress Sansa (Whatever), she said she thought the scene was "hot" lol
Suck on that feminists/liberals!
Another One Bites the Dust
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly ordered the execution of his military chief, after he was found guilty of corruption and other offences.
The reported execution of Ri Yong Gil, chief of the North Korean military’s general staff, is the latest in a series of killings and purges since Kim took power in 2011.
Ri, who took up the top military job in 2013, was considered to be one of Kim’s most trusted aides - as he frequently accompanied the leader on tours of army units and factories.
But speculation arose around his fate after he missed two key national events in North Korea - a meeting of senior ruling Workers’ Party officials, and a rally to celebrate the North’s rocket test.
Another One Bites The Dust: Kim Jong Un Executes Top Military Chief