Not military...


Aug 30, 2017

I'm based in Australia and an aspiring novelist with absolutely no military background. I realize this is a serious site, so the plan is to lurk and capture inspiration or clarification into the life of a Recon Marine. I'm trying to build a backstory for a couple of my characters and this place looks to have a wealth of knowledge and activity.

I have interacted with personnel from the Navy and the Marine Corp in my research. I've always been struck by the generosity, consideration and strength of character of these individuals. However, the Recon Marine perspective remains elusive and requires more work. I don't mean I want to know about anything relating to what I read in another thread would be OPSEC or PERSEC. My objective is to write a believable fantasy mission that goes unexpectedly wrong. I certainly welcome any volunteers who don't mind sharing their wisdom or offer their services as future beta readers. But this isn't my purpose of being here. I'm just wanting to find a place to hang out and absorb the community culture, so that it might help me channel an elite Marine a bit better.

Hopefully I'm in the right place...

Welcome aboard! Best of success to you on your future goals and objectives.
Thanks @Red Flag 1 . I've read the links and the goal is not to get into trouble. :)

I really like it here so far and I appreciate that SS seems professional while still retaining an authentic edge, camaraderie and the rough corners I'd expect from this kind of community. To be more direct, I've been advised that my cursing is subpar in my project and unworthy of a Marine. :( I might borrow an insult or two if anything appeals, so I hope that's okay...

Anyway, I'm writing a fantasy novel where I've dumped a Recon Marine in a unfriendly realm, so any information is for my own use as I walk-through my own fight scenes and gear composition to avoid total idiocy. It's all about having my Marine improvise with his training and experience in a fantastical world. I don't think there should be any copyright issues, but I am mindful of such things, as I am of people's privacy. I'll certainly ask first if I have doubts.

And since I can't "like" comments, thanks also to @Muppet , @Agoge , @Kaldak , @CDG , @Ooh-Rah , @Ocoka & @Teufel for the welcomes. It was more than I expected as an outsider to a military community.
Hmm, I can't even edit my own comments. So I'd appreciate some tolerance to grammatical errors.