
Are British power strips...different to American ones?

Its already been answered, but here's one with pictures:


One thing left out of the good explanations above...P=I x V (Power = Amps times Volts)
These Countries that run 220-250Vac get away with plugging more stuff into one outlet because there is half the amount of AMPS going thru the circuit. If you've ever been downtown 3rd world countries, this is why you will see 30 things plugged into one outlet, with no worries of fire.

I meant to write earlier but got so caught up in the self powering Great British MultiPlug. When my mate got married in the South Island, I went with him to go visit his wife's uncle. He had a similar size telescope (maybe a little smaller) and had set up a little observatory outside his house. The cool thing about it was that he lived not far from the Dark Sky Reserve so had very very little light pollution. I had a great time chatting to him about it. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to go back at night and have a look.
Nothing too spectacular, a pockmarked surface with a methane atmosphere first discovered by Joseph Pujol at the end of the 19th century.
He originally named it Planete Claire.

You've managed to defile @Red Flag 1 's interesting astronomy thread. I hope you're proud of yourself. }:-)8-)
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I was reading a blurb about the integrated information theory yesterday. I can't provide a link since I am on my phone.
Lot of fascinating stuff out there.
Which theory were you alluding to?
@Red Flag 1

That's part of why I want to get into medicine eventually, aside from helping people the way molecules react with one another let alone the human body itself is fascinating to me.

When it comes to theoretical physics and quantum mechanics I'm more of a curious observer than an an active participant so I don't know the specific theory you are thinking of, but the one I've been most interested in recently had to do with the equation.


Or how Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Wormholes (Or Einstein-Rosen bridges, hence the ER) are one in the same with Quantum Entanglement (more specifically a paper published the same year by Einstein, Rosen, and Podolsky wrote on the matter). Which if proven to be correct can have massive implications on how we view the relationship between Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, not to mention the very foundations of Quantum Mechanics itself. I'm not particularly religious, I believe there is a higher power out their. However when you start to realize that these particles can "tell" what happened to it's entangled partner, it to raise significant philosophical questions in my opinion.

Here is the link to the Susskinds paper as well as one he did with Juan Maldacenda, both cover the same idea but the first gives the reasoning behind ER=EPR and the second goes into the idea of how blackholes are linked by wormholes through entanglement.

[1604.02589] Copenhagen vs Everett, Teleportation, and ER=EPR

[1306.0533] Cool horizons for entangled black holes

While I don't know what you were referencing in particular I look forward to your response with a great deal of anticipation, I've already learned more in just one day tham I have in the past month.
Brian Greene is another guy who is really good at breaking down complex things like multiverse theory into terms most can follow. He has a couple good books out that I have read on the subject. It's fascinating stuff, and pretty mind-blowing to really think about.