Official Cut the Cord Thread


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
Not wanting to post anything "illegal" but since many of us use alternative sources for our entertainment, use this for tips and tricks.

Currently I'm cutting out my satellite TV completely. I've got unlimited internet, so Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus and Kodi for now.

For Kodi, I currently find "The Crew" video add on has a good feel to it and works well.
I dropped Cable many years ago and maxed my available internet speed. For the longest time I was satisfied with Hulu, Amazon, and NetFlix.

Now, “everyone” has their own streaming service and shit is getting really expensive again.

I don’t mind paying for a service or someone’s creativity, and that is why I stopped downloading free music and now pay Apple. (Unless an artist pulls the “buy the whole album” bullshit, just to get one song)

I’m figuratively about 5 minutes from installing Kodi again, these monthly subscriptions are getting to be as much or more than cable was. All that said, this falls under the “be careful what you wish for” category.

For years people who wanted to cut the cord said if we could just pick and choose the services that we wanted, then we would be happy. Well now you can, and it is really expensive!
There's also, which is free. They rebroadcast your local channels if you're in one of their chosen metropolitan areas. They can get around the retransmission laws because they're a nonprofit.

Note: they will borderline harrass you for your moniez, until you donate, by interrupting your program to thank you for using their services and remind you that they run on donations
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I use an antennae for local channels, it's free.

In MD, I didn’t want a tower or attach anything to the house so I bought a high gain yagi and a mount from Amazon and set it up in the attic over the garage. Hooked it up to an existing amp which the previous owner had installed with coax runs to all bedrooms.

We just paid for Comcast cable for streaming Netflix, Hulu, and PBS. Can’t wait for 5G to dump Comcast.
Cheap beer has been keeping me pretty entertained as of late...15755123170256724827734744875066.jpg

But I got rid of cable years ago, like 7-8 years ago. Internet is the only way to go, maybe toss up a HDTV antenna for local TV if you care. But yeah, you know what the momma tomato said to the baby tomato as they crossed the road.... Ketchup!

We tried to get rid of cable TV, wanting to keep the interwebs via cable. We were living in Comcast land and they wouldn't give us good speed without at least the basic TV package.

Fast forward to our move to MT. No more Comcast! We're under Charter/Spectrum and can get good speed without committing to a TV package. We use an indoor antenna to watch Jeopardy and local news, fortunately it's the one station that comes in reliably. We watch so little TV that we haven't run out of things to watch on Prime, so it's not really affecting our pocket book.

While it wasn't difficult to not buy in to cable- I'm of the generation that grew to rely more on the internet for entertainment- keeping up with the rising prices of the internet is getting really old. Particularly in areas like mine where there's two options (or less) for high speed internet. One that sucks, and one that sucks differently, especially since other countries are getting much faster internet for smaller sums. Here's to hoping 5G doesn't kill us all (lol) and becomes widely accessible; wouldn't mind cutting the wired internet off either provided it's a better deal overall.