One step forward at a time. Update

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Aug 27, 2016
Child support of Wisconsin just dropped everything. Reinstated everything, license, hunting and fishing rights, liens ended, and a formal apology. Only thing left now is my record. Found state, federal, and Constitutional laws that back up my challenge to the court, and state statutes state simply that the convictions are to be (not guilty) dismissed. So about a month and I got a bright green light. Nov. I turn 36. AirForce max age last I checked is 39. I have made, with the extreme help of some kick ass awesome sauce friends, a total of: 4 Judges;6 prosecutors; a governor; 3 Counties; 6 police agencies back up and I mean fast. I was taught by my father, and Veterans that helped raise me, for every step back anyone takes, take 3 forward and NEVER BACK DOWN for any reason. I hope I am honoring that, I owe them everything and then some. Thanks, and thank you for those active, for your sacrifice and service, honor and commitment.
AF will take anyone up to 39 years of age provided they can get through the recruitment process. I know you mentioned wanting to go Blue to Green, however, thats a ways down the road for you. What AFSC are you thinking you're interested in?
I believe there is an existing thread with your information on in. Let's stick with that thread for your updates.

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