Online Personal Security Question - Help Needed

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Oct 28, 2015
I used to play video games with this kid I met online (like 5 or 6 years ago) and we would talk shit, play games, just whatever. Were friends on Facebook for a little bit but I decided to delete him since I didn't actually know him.

He made a fake account recently and starts commenting on my Facebook page, including my engagement announcement. He sends me a message saying he "misses the good old days". Thing is, this kid is a huge troll and I can't tell if he's trying to be my friend or trying to intrude upon my personal life and harass people.

Question for you gentlemen: if this goes south, and he's trying to harass me, who do I contact to resolve this? Keep in mind I don't know his full name and he lives in another state, so I doubt local law enforcement would be willing or able to help. Does the FBI deal with this kind of stuff?
Unfriend him again, and then block him. YOU CONTROL what and who is allowed. Including FRIEND REQUESTS. Don't know who they are? Don't accept them...simple as that.

Also, delete the comment on your page afterwards.
He's not my friend on Facebook and hasn't been for years. Apparently my engagement was posted as "public" and anyone, including those who aren't my friends, can comment. I have since changed it. I'm not so much concerned about Facebook as I am him pursuing other mediums to harass me.
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