Hobby Therapy

After much wood putty, much more sanding, and even more sanding, I have a piece ready to veneer. I had the veneer relaxing for a week then put it under chairs to get it to lay a little flatter.

One last sand and wipe down before putting the veneer on. @Steve1839 and I evened out the cutout in the top so it was more or less square. When this one goes back together it will not be for a sewing machine.

And then the veneer goes on and gets trimmed around the edges.

A C (or U) shaped poly band goes along the inside. I will calk the seams for a better finish.

That's as far as I got before the puppy woke up. ;-)
I'm cleaning out my mom's sewing room after her passing. @Dame, I'll send you pictures in the next few weeks. I'll work with you on your offer if you pay shipping. Your call and zero judgement or pressure. Right of first refusal is yours.
I sincerely appreciate that.
ETA: If her room is like mine, there are items other than machines. Interested in seeing it all.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here ever used sharps for injecting glue into a veneer bubble?

Asking for a friend.
Been in a slump, probably burned out from taking care of 2 elderly widowers and work, and my wife having RA that the fucking doc is fucking off, on.

So, finally doing wallet and Keychain project for my partners' husband boss, boss liked the wallet I made Gary, wanted 1 in black.

So, this will be the first project I'm selling.

Knowing the standard pricing across the hobby, taking in account, overhead and today's inflation, I'll charge 80 bucks for both.

I think that's fail for habd cut, hand dyed, hand sewn and hand burnished leather product.
