Paper Thin Armor

on the same token, I'm not trading my nomex pajamas for a pair of FRACUs made out of this stuff for a long time.... :)

let me clarify - I don't think this new "CNT" tech will be ready until I retire, a long long long time from now. possibly my kids might benefit from it, though.


How many years did it take before radio was used on a modern battlefield? Planes had an impact in WW1, but didn't really shine until the Spanish Civil War. The tank languished until the Blitzkrieg.

So, just because something exists doesn't mean that the world can use it immediately and that's where we are with this discovery.

Agree 100%
Gents there are other compounds in the works right now that will take a flexible, soft surface area, and make it momentarily turn into a hard "shell", immediately upon impact with a projectile.

Then, a fraction of a second later, after the force of the projectile has dissipated into the shell, the normal properties of the fabric returns, and the cloth becomes supple and flexible again.


The hope is to take the "Buckeypaper", and coat it with the nano Shear Thickening Fluid, and then there will be no need to use ceramic plates.

The cloth will be ultra-light, and flexible- much lighter than BDU's/ACU's are currently. But if a round impacts the fabric, it momentarily turns into a hard armor shell, and the round will just bounce off. A few fractions of a second, the cloth goes back to normal.

Really some Star Wars shit.

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