Parallel Jr. Going to the U.S. Naval Academy for Summer STEM


Verified SOF
Aug 29, 2008
New Orleans Area
My son applied a while back to go to the summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) at the U.S. Naval Academy. He got a text awhile back that his application has been accepted.


The only issue is that it is slated to begin June 1st. That isn't a problem so long as this virus issue has played out by then. Already some of his friends who applied to go as well have had to pull out even before being accepted due mostly to financial issues. Others have not been accepted for whatever reason(s).

He was really hoping to be able to go with at least one person he knows. He has a friend who is from a very low income family. We take him with us a lot when we do things that he wouldn't get to do otherwise. If he gets accepted I'm going to talk to Mrs. Parallel about picking up the cost for him. We were already providing transportation to and from the Academy for the group of six, so it's really only the tuition we're talking about.

Regardless, if this is not canceled, my boy is going and he'll be fine.
That's awesome!

My second son is 16, already scored mid-30s on ACT and has 18 hours of college under his belt. I tried getting him to do this or one of the other similar programs but lazy little shit rather sift through his football cards or play with Legos.
That is outstanding news! Congratulations and I will certainly be praying that he is able to attend.
Excellent! Sounds like the perfect time to have the talk, ”Have you thought about your future son?” I just googled STEM programs and this site randomly popped up first:

NSA | Students | Intelligence Careers
Dude. Grammar.

First read and I thought he's a kid, he shouldn't be thinking about his future kids?!?!?! "Have you thought about your future son?"

Second read .... Ah... I got it! "Have you thought about your future, son?"

Thanks y'all. He's pretty excited to go. He was invited to a couple of other STEM programs being held at select Colleges throughout the Country. Even though he wouldn't have had to apply (much like a paired down college application) he decided he would rather go to the Academy.
Apples, trees, Einstein, ya know the drill, Newton.

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