I know this is correct as I took mine Friday
Another note, If you stop at ANY time during ANY section of the test, it is considered aNO GO and a fail. Be sure to train above these standards, and practice the test in it's entirety. Just because you can do 45 push-ups non-stop in two minutes when your working out at home does NOT mean you can after running a mile and a half and swimming 500 meter... This test is NO JOKE, and turned out to be a BIG gut check for me..
A11.1. This test must be conducted in a 3-hour time frame and in the order listed below. Record PAST results on unit letterhead or attached "Evaluation Worksheet". Members are encouraged to complete the test in its entirety to determine weak/strong points in his physical condition. Test administrators should sign and have commanders endorse test results with a copy provided to the member. This test is comprised of seven events, the member must pass every event. Failure of any event will result in the overall failure of the PAST.
NOTE: The PAST requirements are designed to test for a minimum fitness level for entry into the CCT/PJ training pipeline. CCT/PJ candidates should continue to train throughout their cross-training application and the recruiting process, to exceed these minimums in order to enhance their chances of success.
A11.1.1. 2 x 20 Meter Underwater Swim: The 2 x 20 meter underwater swim should be demonstrated first either through actual demonstration or by use of the training video if available to the administrator. Provide the member 3-minutes of rest between underwaters. If members surface or break the water surface during any portion of the swim, the test will be stopped and considered a failure. Swimsuits and swim goggles/scuba mask are the only equipment items allowed. After completion of the underwater allow a 10 minute rest before next event.
A11.1.2. 500 Meter Surface Swim (max. time limit 14 minutes): This swim is conducted using the freestyle, breaststroke or sidestroke. There is no maximum time limit. The swim is continuous (non-stop). If a member stops any time during the swim, the test will be stopped and considered a failure for the entire PAST. Swimsuit and goggles/scuba mask are the only equipment items allowed. After completion of the swim, allow a 30-minute rest prior to the next event.
A11.1.3. 1.5 Mile Run (max time limit 10 minutes 45 seconds): Physical training (PT) clothes and good running shoes are the only required items. The run must be continuous (non-stop). If a member stops anytime during this run, the test will be stopped and considered a failure. Members will be given a 10-minute break prior to the next event. Test should be conducted on a measured running track.
A11.1.4. Calisthenics: Four calisthenics exercises are evaluated, each with specific time parameters and specific exercise form mechanics. All members will exercise to either muscle failure or time completion, whichever occurs first. The intent is to have members do as many "good form" repetitions in the time allotted or when muscle failure is reached. Allow a 3-minute rest between each calisthenics exercise.
NOTE: Exercise form is strictly enforced during the PAST and in the training pipeline. Those repetitions done without proper form will not be counted and be to the members disadvantage.
A11.1.5. Chin-ups/Pull-ups (6-repitition minimum in 1 minute): Chin-ups/Pull-ups are a two-count exercise. Starting position is hanging from a bar, palms facing toward or away from the candidate with no bend in elbows. Hand spread is approximately shoulder width apart. Count one; pull the body up until the Adam's apple clears the top of the bar. Count two; return to starting position. Legs are allowed to bend, but must not be kicked or manipulated to aid upward movement. If the candidate falls off, stops, or releases the bar, the exercise is terminated.
A11.1.6. Sit-ups (45-repitition minimum in 2 minutes): Sit-ups are a two-count exercise. Starting position is back flat on the surface, fingers interlocked behind the head, head off the surface, and knees bent at approximately a 90-degree angle. Another individual may hold the individual's feet during the exercise. Count one; sit up so that the shoulders are directly above the hip/pelvis area or 90 degrees to surface. Count two; return to the starting position. The exercise is continuous. If the member stops, the exercise is terminated. If the member's buttocks rise from the surface or his fingers are not interlocked behind his head during the repetition, the repetition is not counted.
A11.1.7. Push-ups (45-repitition minimum in 2 minutes): Push-ups are a two-count exercise. Starting position is hands, shoulder width apart, with arms straight and directly below the chest on the surface; the legs are extended, back and legs remain straight. Count one; lower the chest until the elbows are bent at a 90-degree or lower angle. Count two; return to the starting position. The only authorized rest position is the starting position. If the knees touch the ground the exercise is terminated. The member will not raise his buttocks in the air, sag his middle to the surface, or raise any hand or foot from their starting position. If a hand or foot is raised, the exercise is terminated.
A11.1.8. Flutter-kicks (45-repitition minimum in 2 minutes): Flutter-kicks are a four-count exercise. Starting position is laying flat on back with the feet and head approximately 6 inches off the surface. Hands are under the buttocks with fists clenched to support the lower back. Count one; raise the left leg off the surface to approximately a 45-degree angle, keeping the right leg stationary. Count two; raise the right leg off the surface to approximately a 45-degree angle, moving the left leg to the starting position. Counts three and four are repeats of the same movements. Legs must be straight, with toes pointing away from the body. If the member rests his legs on the surface or stops the exercise movement to rest, the exercise is terminated.
A11.1.9. Additional PAST event for Air Traffic Control graduates applying for CCT: One three-mile rucksack march while carrying a 50-pound load, wearing issue military boots, in no more than 45 minutes (45:00). Wear a military standard issue ALCE rucksack weighted with an internal 50-pound load. Boots must be military style leather. Do not wear running shoes or other commercial style boots. March will be conducted on a hard surface or track. Terrain should be relatively flat with no extreme elevation changes. This exercise is evaluated as a prerequisite to entering the Combat Control Apprentice course. This event may be conducted on a separate day from the other PAST requirements.