Police Officer Ambushed in Philadelphia

From Facebook:

"Officer big dick was sitting there, thinking about justice and shit and this goat fucker popped outta some lame slam poetry club and thought the lawman would be a target of opportunity. Pulls a stolen gun out of his prison pocket and opens fire while running(like a girl) towards the cop. Out of 11 shots, goat fucker hits the cops only 3 times! Even with the gun in the patrol car window! (Later he said he was too distracted thinking about dicks.) Wyatt fucking Earp gets out and gives chase like a pissed off Usain Bolt with 20 pound balls screaming in his radio "gator needs his gat bitch!" He engages the coward shooter like a boss, one shot put 'em down. Marksmanship sucka. Still bleeding, he stands over the criminal wanting vengeance, but instead uses his murder boner to execute a non-lethal takedown because motha-fuckin law and order son! Sending a message to all the trick ass hoes out there on some isis shit, that hard dick dragon slayers aint no chumps. AMERICA!!!!!!"
Speedy and full recovery to the Officer. Glad to hear they got the guy and appreciative of those in the chain of command willing to call it like it is.
From Facebook:

"Officer big dick was sitting there, thinking about justice and shit and this goat fucker popped outta some lame slam poetry club and thought the lawman would be a target of opportunity. Pulls a stolen gun out of his prison pocket and opens fire while running(like a girl) towards the cop. Out of 11 shots, goat fucker hits the cops only 3 times! Even with the gun in the patrol car window! (Later he said he was too distracted thinking about dicks.) Wyatt fucking Earp gets out and gives chase like a pissed off Usain Bolt with 20 pound balls screaming in his radio "gator needs his gat bitch!" He engages the coward shooter like a boss, one shot put 'em down. Marksmanship sucka. Still bleeding, he stands over the criminal wanting vengeance, but instead uses his murder boner to execute a non-lethal takedown because motha-fuckin law and order son! Sending a message to all the trick ass hoes out there on some isis shit, that hard dick dragon slayers aint no chumps. AMERICA!!!!!!"

I just found this and was gonna share it here! It's priceless!

No, I hope the officers that got him were wholly professional and not out for revenge or vengeance, I wouldn't blame them for being angry as hell and wanting to allow him to fall a few times, but professionalism in the arrest upholds honor and integrity.

Prayers out for Officer Hartnett and his family, of fellow officers and blood.

Yeah, I know. Fuck that. I will keep further comments to myself bro...

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