Why would you think that?
One dude in there had a cap with a Trident on it - immediately guys were screaming "DevGru in Poland!"
One dude in there had a cap with a Trident on it - immediately guys were screaming "DevGru in Poland!"
Why would you think that?
Ah those, Jedi wizardry is beyond my level of comprehension. I went to a public school you know.
As with most of my countrys Special Operations Forces, photos of GROM are rare, especially those taken during missions/operations.
These two were taken in Ghansi not long ago:
Provides a small up-to-date glimpse into the Units equpiment.
Still, one must ask him self: how is it that a Tier1 SOF/CT unit is being photographed, and photos posted on the internetz for the world to see....