Prior Service Marine Tattoo Waiver Question


Verified Military
Nov 9, 2019
Good Evening,

As a prior service Marine, I will be finishing my bachelor's degree in about a year and a half. I have been out of the Corps since June 2019, and have started a leg sleeve tattoo. Would putting a package in to be a prior-enlisted Marine officer be futile? Not sure if anyone has info regarding if that would be possible to get waived. Thanks!
I think you would face an uphill battle. I’m not a recruiter but I imagine leg sleeve is more acceptable than arm sleeve because it would be covered by most uniforms. Still, it’s something that the Marine Corps heavily discourages for officers.
You might be grossed out by this😂 but the Navy has the most relaxed tattoo standards, even for officers.

An AF officer with visible tattoos is AKA "prior enlisted male." I don't think i've ever seen a female AF officer with visible tattoos, save for one, and she was getting it lasered off because it was visible.
Alright, I figured. Thanks gents, appreciate it. In the likelihood that that is denied, I can always go to the guard/ army. I’m sure there it would be acceptable. Also in regards to the Air Force response, do Air Force officers just not have tattoos by choice? Or is there a rule on it?
Alright, I figured. Thanks gents, appreciate it. In the likelihood that that is denied, I can always go to the guard/ army. I’m sure there it would be acceptable. Also in regards to the Air Force response, do Air Force officers just not have tattoos by choice? Or is there a rule on it?
Couple of career fields seem to have O's with tats, but they usually are prior service.
The guys I know with ink usually have it in an area that's covered by the uniform.
All of my tattoos that are visible in PT gear are actually out of regs, but I recently got a tattoo waiver approved in order to extend in the IRR. Took a few months, and multiple visits to the PSR to retake pics/redo paperwork. In the end it got approved and I renlisted in the IRR.....only to sign a form of conditional release and start the process of joining a guard unit.....I still feel kinda bad about that :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

eidt: Didn't read the part about trying to get a commission....disregard.