PSYOP Training/Job?


Oct 4, 2012
I am prior Navy looking to sign up for the Army Reserves under a 37F MOS. My recruiter doesn't seem to know much and my Army contact is dealing with a family emergency so I don't want to bother him. I was hoping someone could shed some light for me on the 37F MOS. I have questions such as how physically demanding is the AIT and what is a day in the life of a PSYOP soldier like? Any advice or information will be greatly appreciated.

PsyOp A and S has similar demands when compared to SFAS, and the Q course is also comparable. The forward operating MISO guys work in teams of 3, usually accompanied by perhaps some 101st airborne or MEU troops in order to spread either black, gray or white propoganda. Typically, the CIA handles all black prop, but PsyOp can be deployed to support State Dept incentives, CIA missions, warzone psychological warfare, and SOCOM/JSOC ops that might have blowback
Have you ever done this type of work?
Old thread. I am sure the OP has found the answers he is looking for so I will just say WTF new guy? We don't call what we do propaganda. CIA? WTF? We are PSYOP not miso. Where do you get your intel? twitter? The only thing you got right was the 3 man team aspect being forward operating but we call those "Tactical PSYOP teams".

Now I see why you guys here don't want people commenting outside of their area of expertise.