Questions about TACP?

Christian N

Jun 29, 2015
Hello all, I'm hoping to join around 18 (would do it at 17 but mom wouldn't sign for that lol).

But my question is, what is the pipeline for TACP? Can you go to the school straight out of BMT and get sent to your unit right away? And I have read that you have to do something before you become an actual TACP member, is that true? And how often do TACP members move on to CCT and Pararescue?

Sorry for my ignorance to this subject.
The pipeline information is readily available. You would be able to easily find it if you took some initiative, a required trait in this careerfield, and searched on your own. I don't know where you read that you have to be something else before becoming a TACP, but it is not true. You can join with a TACP contract.

I know of a few TACPs that have decided to go CCT or PJ. Hell, some even go to other services' SOF units after time as a TACP. Why are you asking? Do you think TACP is a stepping stone for something else?
No sir, I just eventually want to get into the classified missions that CCT offers if I decide to stay in more than 6 years (is TACP actually in the Joint Special Operations Command or is it Special Operations Capable like the Recon Marines?? Again I am sorry about being clueless when it comes to the AF). And I apologize if my original post came off as abrasive.
Forgot to add (again), what is the OP tempo like for TACP? I have heard 200 days out of the year deployed for the active duty guys (in wartime) and I assume the ANG is pretty active as well.
I almost don't even know where to start. You're concern is who gets more classified missions? You have the cart so far before the horse that the horse will grow old and die before it ever catches up. JSOC vs SO capable? For fuck's sake dude. To start, CCT and TACP are two different mission sets. Secondly, there are TACPs everywhere from conventional armor units, to Special Mission Units, to places beyond even that. The OPTEMPO varies based on what's going on in the world. I get it, you're 16. However, you have no excuse, given the resources available today, for your lack of basic knowledge.
One would assume this was a place to ask questions to people that are in the service. I seem to have been mistaken. And for the record I have searched the internet for info, to be honest there is not much info available for TACP that is modern (post 2012, since in my experience many things seem to have changed in the military since we left Iraq) that really answered my questions.
One would assume this was a place to ask questions to people that are in the service. I seem to have been mistaken. And for the record I have searched the internet for info, to be honest there is not much info available for TACP that is modern (post 2012, since in my experience many things seem to have changed in the military since we left Iraq) that really answered my questions.

Poor lad, no one wants to give you everything on a platter -

Maybe instead of using Google, use the flipping search function on this site - "T-A-C-P"....Hey look at this, 9 pages of threads!
One would assume this was a place to ask questions to people that are in the service. I seem to have been mistaken.

You're not mistaken, but if you haven't done the required research, you will get hammered for it. For kids this is often a confronting experience. For military professionals it's par for the course. So far you've only had a very gentle prompt to look harder, read more before asking questions.
One would assume this was a place to ask questions to people that are in the service. I seem to have been mistaken. And for the record I have searched the internet for info, to be honest there is not much info available for TACP that is modern (post 2012, since in my experience many things seem to have changed in the military since we left Iraq) that really answered my questions.

It certainly is a place to ask questions. What it is not, is a place to get spoonfed basic info that a simple Google search, or search of this site, will turn up. Did you read through the threads in the TACP Mentor forum? Did you even look around enough to realize there is a TACP Mentor forum? If you want clarification on something specific, you should phrase the question as such. How would you know if info from 2012 is still relevant or not? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It would be better to ask, "I saw X, but it was from 2012. Has X changed, or is it still the same?". In your experience? Do tell what this experience is that you're drawing on.
@CDG, Well, I have researched the internet and have been pretty active on the NG forums for a few months. So I know the basics about the US Special Operations.
@CDG, Well, I have researched the internet and have been pretty active on the NG forums for a few months. So I know the basics about the US Special Operations.

Good. Given your research then, what follow-on or new questions would you like answered?
What are my chances of getting the opportunity to go to the school if I decide to go to Security Forces for a few years before I try out for TACP?
I want to experience both. I feel like I would also be better prepared for the rigors of TACP if I had prior experience.
I want to experience both. I feel like I would also be better prepared for the rigors of TACP if I had prior experience.

You want to be a TACP, enlist for TACP.
You want to be CCT, then enlist for CCT.

The world is littered with well-meaning but clueless young men and women and your post above will put you in that category sooner rather than later. I won't speak for everyone, but I say a number of us on this board don't hold AFSF in high regard. They simply are NOT what the recruiting brochures and recruiters would have you believe.

If you're worried about measuring up to TACP or CCT or whatever, then AFSF or ground radio or POL specialist are good fits. I can go into work tomorrow and find a half dozen AFSF airmen who are pissed with their enlistment choice.

To put it into perspective: If you fail out of a technical school you will probably go to Lackland to be a cop. No one fails out of any school and finds themselves involuntarily sent to the TACP course.
@CDG, Well, I have researched the internet and have been pretty active on the NG forums for a few months. So I know the basics about the US Special Operations.


What are my chances of getting the opportunity to go to the school if I decide to go to Security Forces for a few years before I try out for TACP?

No way to know. A lot can change in the time it takes for you to turn 18 and do a few years in AFSF. TACP may be closed to cross-trainees at that time, you may have done something that now precludes you from being eligible, etc. As FF said, if you want to be TACP, put your cards on the table and give it a shot.

I want to experience both. I feel like I would also be better prepared for the rigors of TACP if I had prior experience.

Frankly, this is a dumb idea. Security Forces has nothing to do with being a TACP and you will not be better prepared for TACP by serving as AFSF first. I know guys that made the switch, and it was because they hated being Security Forces and wanted to do something else. What about Security Forces makes you want to experience it? Again, as FF said, they are not even close to what the recruiter would make you believe.