Kill, I get that and I know why.
Fuck. I have GOT to change my screen name.Are you some kind of boot. Jesus, stop with the ooh-rah stuff, you are going to give me an aneurism.
Are you some kind of boot. Jesus, stop with the ooh-rah stuff, you are going to give me an aneurism.
Are you some kind of boot. Jesus, stop with the ooh-rah stuff, you are going to give me an aneurism.
He's not a boot, but totally agree on the chill out with Rah, Kill, Get some, ooh-rah, devil dog stuff.
Am I guessing correctly that "radio recon" is like Army SIGINT?
Kill, I get that and I know why.
Now this is something that I was very interested in before I got to MSOB. I'll be monitoring.
Are you some kind of boot. Jesus, stop with the ooh-rah stuff, you are going to give me an aneurism.
No boot here buddy.
Lol, roger that fellas. Radio Recon is Marine Corps "ears on" reconnaissance vs "eyes on." It's personnel are primarily SIGINT Marines.
Yep! They're just 26XX Marines who like the suck. Do the same thing as SOT-As and TIOs except that they are not attached to another unit and are able to conduct their own missions. You'll find out more when you go to the course.
1. Sorry prior or not the butter bars on your collar (and your profile picture and use of the word kill) make you a boot officer. Just the way things are. It's ok, everyone is boot to someone. I'm pretty sure even @SOWT is boot to somebody. It's probably the Wright brothers given how old he is but you get the idea.
2. You, and all your SIGINT officer buddies, will go to one of the three Radio Battalions. There is one Radio Recon Platoon per battalion. You do the math. Additionally, the radio recon platoon does not deploy as a platoon. They deploy one team per MEU. If you are lucky enough to pick up the platoon, which is hard to get more because of timing than ability or enthusiasm, you will probably only keep it for a year then deploy as the AOIC for a SIGINT det on the MEU. Which is a check in the box you will need for promotion. I can answer all and any questions on RRT. Well questions that are appropriate for this forum anyway.
I partially agree with this, although I would not say they are able to conduct their own missions entirely. The concept behind RRT/RRP (~20 years or more) was great. One of those great concepts, but lack of implementation kind of situations. They have not been properly utilized since their "inception", if you will. And truth be told, the guy in other "sections" of Rad Bn seem to be doing more job-related work than the guys in RRP. RRP swims and rucks a lot + goes on MEUS (stated below). The other guys do more 26xx related stuff and seem to have had deployed (Iraq/Afghanistan) more.
Reading is fundamental. Are you saying that there is another Marine MOS that can conduct SIGINT ops and process foreign language material like a 2676 can? I know pre-9/11 they were busy and even afterwards the ones I taught that went that route were pretty busy.
And truth be told, the guy in other "sections" of Rad Bn seem to be doing more job-related work than the guys in RRP. RRP swims and rucks a lot + goes on MEUS (stated below). The other guys do more 26xx related stuff and seem to have had deployed (Iraq/Afghanistan) more.
Are you saying that there is another Marine MOS that can conduct SIGINT ops and process foreign language material like a 2676 can?
2. No. Nowhere did I state any other MOS can do what a SIGINT'r can. How did you come to that conclusion?
I obviously can't speak to your intent or lindy's, but to be fair your post does read like that, at least it does to this non-Marine.
A mobile device? Jesus man, I think only The Troll still uses a desktop! I'm not that damn old!!!!
Clearly times (and leaders) have changed then. The 26XX Marines that I knew/worked with actually completed BRC and had very successful deployments to various shitholes worldwide, most notably West Africa. Pre-2001, Radio Recon Marines were the most experienced and capable ground SIGINT teams in the US military.
If you want your posts to be completely understood, perhaps you could consider conveying your thoughts clearly and concisely?