Rep. Corrine Brown to Be Indicted


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I only post this because we once had a thread with stupid US Rep. and Senator speeches from the floor. She was always mentioned and this is no surprise to anyone from FL.

Brown indicted on corruption charges, officials say

WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown has been indicted on public corruption charges and is expected to arraigned in federal court in Jacksonville on Friday, two U.S. law enforcement officials said Thursday.

The charges are related to the Jacksonville Democratic lawmaker's involvement with an unregistered charity in Virginia.
This woman is awesome. I look forward to her trial because her quotes can only improve from here.

Corrine Brown: Maybe feds could have prevented Pulse shooting if they weren't investigating me

U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown thinks federal authorities might have been able to prevent the Pulse nightclub massacre if they weren't busy investigating her for allegations of fraud and corruption.

"These are the same agents that were not able to do a thorough investigation of [Omar Mateen], and we ended up with 50 people dead," Brown said.

Brown's attorney, Elizabeth White, echoed her client's comments about the federal investigation.

"Perhaps had it chosen to devote its resources more thoughtfully, 50 innocent people would be alive today," White told First Coast News.
This is going exactly how I thought and hoped it would. This woman is a fountain of entertainment...and she's an elected official.

Brown calls charges against her a 'witch hunt'

Brown repeatedly tried to bat away questions from reporters about a federal indictment, which accuses the longtime incumbent of conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, violating tax laws and concealing income on financial disclosures that members of Congress are required to file. The congresswoman insisted she was focused on winning re-election while her lawyers handled the trial.

"My job is to let people know what I've done," Brown said. "Team attorney's is to deal with that witch hunt."

That's a beautiful sentence in so many ways. She's Shakespeare for morons.

"I understand. It's really hard being a black woman with a mouth. But I am --- black woman with a mouth --- and will use that mouth to speak up for the people I represent," she said.

BOOM goes the race card! Throw in a little poor mouthing for the XP then roll for initiative.
...this is no surprise to anyone from FL...

According to the Infinite Monkey Theorem, if you put Brown and Wasserman-Schultz in a room with a bunch of monkeys and a typewriter, in an infinite time the monkeys will have typed out the complete works of William Shakespeare and Brown and Wasserman-Schultz will still be idiots.
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18 of 22! Don't let the door hit you on the way out... Couldn't have happened to a nicer representative of the people.

Corrine Brown, ex-congresswoman, found guilty of taking money from fake charity

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- After a historic, nearly 25-year career representing Florida in Congress, former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown was found guilty on Thursday of taking money from a charity that was purported to be giving scholarships to poor students.

The verdict came after prosecutors outlined a pattern of fraud by Brown, 70, and her top aide that included using hundreds of thousands of dollars from the One Door for Education Foundation for lavish parties, trips and shopping excursions. She was convicted of 18 of the 22 charges against her, including lying on her taxes and on her congressional financial disclosure forms.
Only thing that makes this story better is if she faces some real punishment. It's not like she's the only POS politician doing this, so set an example. IDGAF if she dies in prison.
Drain the swamp:thumbsup:

Railroaded by the racist Trump administration.

Indicted in July 2016, prosecuted by longtime Justice Department Federal Prosecutor Eric Olshan (promoted to current position as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department by Eric Holder) but since the case went to trial and got a conviction (April - May 2017) after President Trump was elected this is President Trump driving the train?

Looks like the jury did not deliberate very long. Only way she pleads down to very little jailtime is if she's got some big fish to trade in my opinion. I think if that were the case she would have given them up before the case went to trial.
Indicted in July 2016, prosecuted by longtime Justice Department Federal Prosecutor Eric Olshan (promoted to current position as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department by Eric Holder) but since the case went to trial and got a conviction (April - May 2017) after President Trump was elected this is President Trump driving the train?

Looks like the jury did not deliberate very long. Only way she pleads down to very little jailtime is if she's got some big fish to trade in my opinion. I think if that were the case she would have given them up before the case went to trial.

I think he was being sarcastic, sir. However, I'd bet my left tit that someone, somewhere is going to say exactly that, and be dead serious.
Indicted in July 2016, prosecuted by longtime Justice Department Federal Prosecutor Eric Olshan (promoted to current position as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department by Eric Holder) but since the case went to trial and got a conviction (April - May 2017) after President Trump was elected this is President Trump driving the train?

Looks like the jury did not deliberate very long. Only way she pleads down to very little jailtime is if she's got some big fish to trade in my opinion. I think if that were the case she would have given them up before the case went to trial.

I was being sarcastic, sir. And surely as my sarcasm, as the esteemed dynamic feline has opined, there will undoubtedly be many learned Corrine Brown ex-constituents who arrive at that very conclusion; one, which, should she be jailed, could lead to a few days of racous street festivities with free big screen TVs and assorted booze and merchandise from various non-participating outlets.

But your points, as always, are well-taken. I'm drinking, sir, and tend to get cynical when I imbibe.
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