Rep. Corrine Brown to Be Indicted

I think he was being sarcastic, sir. However, I'd bet my left tit that someone, somewhere is going to say exactly that, and be dead serious.

Fair point, mea culpa on my end then. My SGM keeps sending me to CIF to pick up a standard issue of 'social skills' but the retired SGM who works down there has told me they're out every time I've dropped in. Must be a supply issue...
It doesn't matter who's driving the train in this case, as long as the swamp gets drained. One could ask though, would the result be the same regardless of who is at the wheel?
I was being sarcastic, sir. And surely as my sarcasm, as the esteemed dynamic feline has opined, there will undoubtedly be many learned Corrine Brown ex-constituents who arrive at that very conclusion; one, which, should she be jailed, could lead to a few days of racous street festivities with free big screen TVs and assorted booze and merchandise from various non-participating outlets.

But your points, as always, are well-taken. I'm drinking, sir, and tend to get cynical when I imbibe.

I tend to be pretty cynical too but one dim ray of hope is that she lost in the Democratic primary. So, one might think if you're indicted for fraud at least a plurality of your constituents might decide not to re-up your contract? Not always, but at least once in a while - maybe that's too much to hope for...
It doesn't matter who's driving the train in this case, as long as the swamp gets drained. One could ask though, would the result be the same regardless of who is at the wheel?

I think it matters a lot if there's a difference between qualified professionals pursuing cases vs those chosen for political loyalty - with loyalty defined as willingness to parrot and/or back-up whatever lies your political masters are spewing.

Some might think that describes the previous administration's justice department - I don't, but I think there's definitely some pockets shaping up that way in the current administration. Ultimately if 'drain the swamp' means going after corruption in all it's forms then it's great - but so far (and it's waaaay early) I don't think much evidence has presented that way. I think instead the 'drain the swamp' commitment is at about the same level as OJ's towards finding the real killer.

But again, it's early and there is enough churn to make it very hard to see through our own partisan bias - which I certainly possess.