Report: Marines lead all services in binge drinking, sex partners


Sep 12, 2012
"If you want to feel the pride of being a have to earn it!"

Report: Marines lead all services in binge drinking, sex partners

A new report from the RAND Corporation analyzed survey data from thousands of active-duty military members and found Marines are more likely to be heavy drinkers, use tobacco and engage in riskier sexual behavior than the sailors, soldiers and airmen of the other branches.

RAND found that incidents of binge drinking and hazardous drinking among Marines was almost double what it was in the Air Force.
I am SHOCKED AND APPALLED that such behavior even goes on

Next thing you'll tell me is that Marines drink and throw furniture off the 3rd deck.

Not that I would know about such things.
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Typically the shittier your day to day life is the harder you party aka don’t care if you live or die.

I’d love to see a more in depth study of individual groups in the DOD and how weird they get. My guess the list would be-

1. Ranger privates
2. Entire USMC
3. Submariners
4. Cooks
5. Riggers
Straight from the "no shit" files....:rolleyes:
Royal Marines would be at the tippy-top of that list....
When the Paras started talking about ball gags, head mounted dildos and their “initiations” for new guys, we knew we had been bested in the debauchery department...
Im just glad they didn’t do a base by base comparison because I don’t feel like having a safety stand down here.

The commandant came here and had a meeting with every NCO on base last year and said we were the “NFL of alcohol abuse”.
Beer machines in the barracks1977-1979
Drink any age on base(USN)
Diver groupies(watsa condom?)
Breaking shit is entertainment
Blowing up shit pure fun
I miss it all everyday!
That may or may not be me in the middle .... what. a. night.

Circa 1990 - Okinawa
What...Fayettenam in the 70's...82nd Airborne=the price of admission. As I recall, damn near an entire division provided the weekly entertainment! Lets not forget the Dragon Club!
"I'd like to thank Miller, Budwiser, Corona, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, John Jameson and the countless women that have helped us achieve this lofty goal!"

That would be one hell of a Navy Achievement Medal to write up!