Report: Marines lead all services in binge drinking, sex partners

"I'd like to thank Miller, Budwiser, Corona, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, John Jameson and the countless women that have helped us achieve this lofty goal!"

That would be one hell of a Navy Achievement Medal to write up!

"In face of adversity by seeing multiple empty liquor bottles, PFC Schmuckatelli willingly exposed himself by staggering to the base package store, attempting to speak clearly and without slurring in an attempt to purchase additional alcohol. Upon being met by a large dependapotomus, clearly exhibiting mating behaviors, PFC Schmuckatelli put his own needs aside in order to secure additional alcohol for his teammates. Upon securing the objective and delivering the High Value Target (HVT) to his leadership, PFC Schmuckatelli sacrificed himself by throwing himself onto the dependapotamus so that his teammates could further the mission of advanced inebriation. PFC Schmuckatelli's actions reflected great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval service."
“Hey can someone tell my why the fuck there’s an LMTV tire in the laundry room? Anyone? No one has any fucking idea how that got in there? Looking at you, E Co...”

On my last night before signing out on terminal leave, me and the rest of the C co NCOs decided it would be a good idea to get drunk and have a fire outside the old C co NCO a big ass galvanized steel garbage can. the SDNCO disagreed with our judgment.