Resources for Family/Friends of Military Suicides

Il Duce

Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Jan 10, 2014
New York
Military Mentor
I just got a message from a friend from back home. Her nephew, an Iraq war veteran, committed suicide yesterday. She had spoken of him before, believe he was an enlisted infantryman 05-07 and has had some significant PTSD and adjustment problems.

My friend and her husband are wonderful people (they lead the youth group at my parents' church, and have since I was involved as a teenager - over 20 years ago) but have never served in the military and my home town is not much of a military community - Ft. Bragg is the closest post, about 2 hours away.

I'm wondering if there are current resources folks know about where family/friends connect and work through their grief? I figure there's a lot for spouses/parents but wondering about extended family/friends. Would appreciate any resources/guidance folks are familiar with.
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Military One Source will provide just about anything and everything so long as it does not require intervention for a treatable condition - to which they will forfeit the rights to that individual to a medical care facility.