Retired Air Force Newbie

ALSE Sarge

Jan 5, 2025
New member here, retired Air Force (86-08) where I did Aircrew Life Support/Aircrew Flight Equipment (122XO, 1T1X1, 1POX1). Spent the majority of my career (Active Duty and Reserve) under AFSOC supporting MC-130E Combat Talon 1 aircrews.

What brought me here is trying to find the location or book a story I found on here. Original link.

The story dealt with a baseball bat (Taliban Thumper) carved from a piece of dunnage by one of my troops. He gave it to a group of Rangers i believe on one of our birds. They in turn signed it and it was given back to him.

There was blurb about in on here, I sent the link to him. I should have screen captured the blurb also, but I didn't.

So I'm trying to learn id this was in a book or an online article or what....?
Also have a few Ranger Stories. We hosted casino night raising money for the the families of the Rangers that lost their lives in Pakistan, due to a brown out, on hit night. Another coworker lent a flag for one of the body bags.

Sometime later we all got called to a formation where letters from the spouses were read, then we received the 75th Rangers Commander's Coin in appreciation, and then as a special bonus received immunizations as a surprise.
Thank you all for the warm welcome and to Locksteady for finding what I was seeking. I've been reading through some of the posts on here and enjoying myself.

As for the information I was looking for, I honestly thought it would be a futile endeavor and then there was Locksteady at the ready with the information I was seeking. Can't get much better than that.

I'm going to convert the story to a PDF document for the bats owner. Plus I'll save it on my end, just in case he loses it again.
Thank you all for the warm welcome and to Locksteady for finding what I was seeking. I've been reading through some of the posts on here and enjoying myself.

As for the information I was looking for, I honestly thought it would be a futile endeavor and then there was Locksteady at the ready with the information I was seeking. Can't get much better than that.

I'm going to convert the story to a PDF document for the bats owner. Plus I'll save it on my end, just in case he loses it again.
I own The Havok Journal and would be interested in publishing the story on our site.

The Havok Journal