Great Eval on the Revision Eye Pro!! I have been wanting a new set of Eye Pro for Range time, and I think my next purchase will be them.
Thanks 91B.
FF - Spent the day at the range. The muffs kept their seal the entire time, with NO discomfort. I was really impressed.
No pinching around the temples or ears?
Do not do a google image search for "wily-x SG1". :-\
I don't know what happened to that poor guy, but I know one pair of sunglasses I won't be getting someone for their birthday.
I see two pics of blokes with face injuries who both have their eyes intact. Mission accomplished I'd have thought.
Sorry, it was kind of a gut reaction of "ew, is that bone sticking out of that guy's face?!" moreso than 'the glasses didn't do their job'. I hope the glasses did protect their eyes. But with those pics and the info given above, it's kind of put me off this particular brand.
Anyhow, isn't the "mission" for sunglasses primarily to make you guys look more bad ass than your civilian counterparts.If such a thing were possible...
First of all I want to express my gratitude for the people who made it happen, I assume it was Boon and Zushwa