RF Spectrum "Upheaval"?


SOF Support
Oct 24, 2010
221B Baker St
@Ranger Psych , check this out:

AI to decide which freq is available for use?

The primary goal of SC2 is to imbue radios with advanced machine-learning capabilities so they can collectively develop strategies that optimize use of the wireless spectrum in ways not possible with today’s intrinsically inefficient approach of pre-allocating exclusive access to designated frequencies. The challenge is expected to both take advantage of recent significant progress in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning and also spur new developments in those research domains, with potential applications in other fields where collaborative decision-making is critical.

New DARPA Grand Challenge to Focus on Spectrum Collaboration
This isn't surprising. We already have reactive systems, this is just tying the technology together....and that's the scary part. We're creating Skynet. There's no way anyone could get inside the net and interrupt, degrade, or steal the transmissions. There's no way this thing won't break or suffer some tech glitch. There's no way the code won't fail us become corrupt. Even redundancy has limitations and I've seen enough systems/ networks to know that single points of failure WILL exist.

Good initiative, poor judgment by DARPA.
A buddy of mine was (And still is) a Freq Mgr. After realizing everything he has to deal with, I was like "No thanks, I'll stick with my day job shoveling elephant shit."
A buddy of mine was (And still is) a Freq Mgr. After realizing everything he has to deal with, I was like "No thanks, I'll stick with my day job shoveling elephant shit."

When done right, I totally agree. When implemented as in Afghanistan ("Train as you fight" my ass) freq. manager had to be the easiest job in theater.
This isn't surprising. We already have reactive systems, this is just tying the technology together....and that's the scary part. We're creating Skynet. There's no way anyone could get inside the net and interrupt, degrade, or steal the transmissions. There's no way this thing won't break or suffer some tech glitch. There's no way the code won't fail us become corrupt. Even redundancy has limitations and I've seen enough systems/ networks to know that single points of failure WILL exist.

Good initiative, poor judgment by DARPA.

My understanding is this is "like" ALE but for the spectrum, no? But with higher data rates required for QOS, who wouldn't opt for higher freqs with MIMO?
My understanding is this is "like" ALE but for the spectrum, no? But with higher data rates required for QOS, who wouldn't opt for higher freqs with MIMO?

Lindy, the way I read it this is a QoS system to make the most of the existing RF bands/ ranges and reduce interference. Kind of like DAMA, but for every RF device in the country. It would essentially eliminate frequency managers because the system would do their jobs and auto-deconflict the multitude of devices out there. What doesn't make sense is how this would affect the average user. This is network/ backbone level stuff and if it propagated (I crack me up) down to the consumer/ user level it becomes rather frightening.
Doesn't make much sense with regards to tactical level communications, specifically say Regiment and below. Regiment/BN pushing UP to higher, and higher between highers? yeah, I could see it, if there's actually an issue ongoing.