I have 7 days and a wake up before I leave for boot camp.
My original plan was to go balls out through this week with my running, swimming & work outs and then do absolutely nothing this coming Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. I've been having some pain in the upper hip area on my left side, while running. I asked one of the guys at our workout yesterday and he said it's probably my ITB. He gave me a few stretches to do in addition to the stretching I already do. From what I've read/heard/researched during my time in DEP, ITB injuries are very common due to 1) lack of being prepared 2) different impact running on soft sand in boots. I only run on compact gravel/sand/pavement with running shoes.
My first question is, does it sound like an ITB issue? The pain feels like it's on the very top of the hip bone, a little more towards the front. I know diagnosing (anything) without eyes/hands on is tough, so I'll trust all of your expert opinions. If you need more info, just ask.
My second question is, should I continue with my original plan or just take it easy until I ship? I totally understand that at no point during my training will I be able to say, "Yeah, my xyz is kinda sore today, I think I'm going to skip abc evolution". I've also heard plenty of BTDT say that showing up to boot camp and training (after boot camp) as healthy as possible is paramount.
I debated as to whether or not I should even post this here, but I'm looking for some advice from the experts. Thank you for whatever you can pass along.
My original plan was to go balls out through this week with my running, swimming & work outs and then do absolutely nothing this coming Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. I've been having some pain in the upper hip area on my left side, while running. I asked one of the guys at our workout yesterday and he said it's probably my ITB. He gave me a few stretches to do in addition to the stretching I already do. From what I've read/heard/researched during my time in DEP, ITB injuries are very common due to 1) lack of being prepared 2) different impact running on soft sand in boots. I only run on compact gravel/sand/pavement with running shoes.
My first question is, does it sound like an ITB issue? The pain feels like it's on the very top of the hip bone, a little more towards the front. I know diagnosing (anything) without eyes/hands on is tough, so I'll trust all of your expert opinions. If you need more info, just ask.
My second question is, should I continue with my original plan or just take it easy until I ship? I totally understand that at no point during my training will I be able to say, "Yeah, my xyz is kinda sore today, I think I'm going to skip abc evolution". I've also heard plenty of BTDT say that showing up to boot camp and training (after boot camp) as healthy as possible is paramount.
I debated as to whether or not I should even post this here, but I'm looking for some advice from the experts. Thank you for whatever you can pass along.