Running/ITB Pain/Healthy for boot camp


Something Clever
Verified Military
Oct 27, 2010
I have 7 days and a wake up before I leave for boot camp.
My original plan was to go balls out through this week with my running, swimming & work outs and then do absolutely nothing this coming Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. I've been having some pain in the upper hip area on my left side, while running. I asked one of the guys at our workout yesterday and he said it's probably my ITB. He gave me a few stretches to do in addition to the stretching I already do. From what I've read/heard/researched during my time in DEP, ITB injuries are very common due to 1) lack of being prepared 2) different impact running on soft sand in boots. I only run on compact gravel/sand/pavement with running shoes.
My first question is, does it sound like an ITB issue? The pain feels like it's on the very top of the hip bone, a little more towards the front. I know diagnosing (anything) without eyes/hands on is tough, so I'll trust all of your expert opinions. If you need more info, just ask.
My second question is, should I continue with my original plan or just take it easy until I ship? I totally understand that at no point during my training will I be able to say, "Yeah, my xyz is kinda sore today, I think I'm going to skip abc evolution". I've also heard plenty of BTDT say that showing up to boot camp and training (after boot camp) as healthy as possible is paramount.
I debated as to whether or not I should even post this here, but I'm looking for some advice from the experts. Thank you for whatever you can pass along.

...take the week off from running dude and stretch. A week off is not going to hurt you. Trust me, you will be running plenty soon enough, so go in their strong.
There are a number of causes of IT band pain. A common cause for runners is running on a beveled road surface, where one leg strikes the ground at a higher level than the other. Track runners also occasionally get IT band problems due to running curves repetitively in the same direction. As you learned it can be alleviated by stretching. But you should also think of running on a more flat surface, or if you run on a track, occasionally run in the opposite direction. If the pain persists you might try a different form of cardiovascular work such as swimming pool running or cycling. Finally, most of my experience with IT band problems are in the knee, not at the hip, or origin attachment point. Can you get an orthopedist to check it out?

Good luck.
Thank you all for the advice. I have an appt. with the doc on Friday. I'll let you all know what he/she says. In the mean time, I'm stretching as much as possible and all my working out will be relegated to the gym and the pool.
Thank you all again for the advice.
Thank you all for the advice. I have an appt. with the doc on Friday. I'll let you all know what he/she says. In the mean time, I'm stretching as much as possible and all my working out will be relegated to the gym and the pool.
Thank you all again for the advice.

What are your goals going into basic training? Strive to do your best at everything you do there. Whether that is a PT test, or scrubbing toilets, make sure you are doing your absolute best. Listen closely to your DI's. Things they teach you there will only be expanded upon at your unit, but you cannot be HSLD until you have mastered the basics. Keep your bearing at all times. You will be frustrated with others, do not let it get you down, strive through it and lend a helping hand to your brothers when they are week. If you have a girlfriend now, expect her to break up with you. If she doesn't great, but if/when she does it won't suck as much donkey dick... That is all I have for now. Good luck, have fun and keep a positive attitude. I expect an update at your midway point, or the first time you are able to get on the internet.
What are your goals going into basic training? Strive to do your best at everything you do there. Whether that is a PT test, or scrubbing toilets, make sure you are doing your absolute best. Listen closely to your DI's. Things they teach you there will only be expanded upon at your unit, but you cannot be HSLD until you have mastered the basics. Keep your bearing at all times. You will be frustrated with others, do not let it get you down, strive through it and lend a helping hand to your brothers when they are week. If you have a girlfriend now, expect her to break up with you. If she doesn't great, but if/when she does it won't suck as much donkey dick... That is all I have for now. Good luck, have fun and keep a positive attitude. I expect an update at your midway point, or the first time you are able to get on the internet.

cback, a few goals (in no particular order) going into boot camp:
-Arrive safely
-Display attention to detail in everything I/we do
-Initial PST: be within 15 seconds of my best run & swim time and 5 reps on the calisthenics
-Keep at the front of my mind that this is a break-you-down-build-you-back-up-our-way process
-I'll have approximately 10 years of real world experience over a majority of the recruits with whom I'll be training, I have to know when to keep my mouth shut (see above also)
-Hopefully knowing when I'm expected to act (as instructed) without thinking
-Do the little things just as well as the big things, regardless of whether or not anyone is watching
-Learn, retain and implement the skills/knowledge that will be required for graduation

That's it for now. If there's some glaring omission, please point it out. If there's something listed that needs to be omitted, please point it out as well.