Ryles introduction


Verified SOF
Mar 2, 2008

Thank you for the opportunity to learn, and contribute to this site/community. Several years ago I met Pardus at a Tracking course in southern AZ. No, there were no sheep involved..... As Pardus and I ran dauntlessly through the desert to interdict some illegals that had aimlessly walked onto the nearby base (a whole separate thread...), we began to talk about the military and its possible crossing of his near future. He spoke of wanting to become something more than a NZ sheep *&^%$#, and that he strived to one day join the boys. I told him about my time in Battalion, and about my youthful desire to, as like him, just contribute to a Team. Even under that scruffy sheep beard of his I could tell, that yes, one day he would indeed get his citizenship and join the Teams.

Well enough picking on Pardus, and telling his tales of hope. A little about me...

I served within HHC 3/75, graduated from RS 08-06, and like many of you, I am proud and honored to be here on Shadowspear. I welcome any questions or comments that you may have, pm as directed by Boon's/Admin rules.

Again thank you for the opportunity to learn, and contribute to this site/community.

Strike one... admitting to knowing Pardus in the first line of your intro.:-o
Strike two... defending Pardus in your intro.:ehh:
Strike three... not understanding why we pick on Pardus.:hmm:

Not off to a very auspicious start right there.... I will therefore grant you a probationary" Welcome Ranger Ryles";)

(oh, your bonus strike is forgetting all of the ladies on the board.... lots of lady veterans/military here... and they can get mean....) :-/
... (oh, your bonus strike is forgetting all of the ladies on the board.... lots of lady veterans/military here... and they can get mean....) :-/

Yeah, but I give a bit of a pass cuz he ain't no wannabe... :p

Tho' he is a Ragnar - he prolly isn't even aware of things like wimmenz... :ehh:
