Red Exclusive
Hello, everyone! I've been through the forums on this site for a while, but finally decided to give in to the pressure and create an account. I am 18 years old and a Ranger Regiment/Special Forces hopeful. My ultimate goal is SF (I love cultures, took 2 foreign languages in high school, can teach well, and love working with people). But I figure while I'm still young, I might as well do something more "in your face, kick the door down" direct action oriented, which attracts me to the 75th as well. I'll be attending college for at least 1 year guaranteed, but am trying to figure out if I want to continue schooling after that to get my degree. I am here to surround myself with like-minded people, attempt to prepare myself for selection, and possibly find a Ranger or SF mentor. Thank y'all for the outstanding community I've found on here!