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Just an observation: The school graduates females. :2c:

Added: Not being sexist or anything. That was just an easily researchable fact tailored for the asker of the question as a way to gauge the physical difficulty level. Academics are another animal...

The school obviously teaches good skills or the Army wouldn't have approved the new tab.

OTOH, the same logic that led to the black beret was probably applied... I've met people that rated it and did not wear it except for on class A's.

*hides under a rock*
"Until this summer, only the Special Forces tab and the Ranger tab were authorized for wear above the unit patch on the left shoulder."

I guess the forgot about the “PRESIDENTS HUNDRED” tab!:rolleyes:

I know a dude with the SAPPER tab, he knows his shit…
"Until this summer, only the Special Forces tab and the Ranger tab were authorized for wear above the unit patch on the left shoulder."

I guess they forgot about the “PRESIDENTS HUNDRED” tab!:rolleyes:

I know a dude with the SAPPER tab, he knows his shit…

and the 'AIRBORNE' tab....(BTW: I may have seen a few 'women' graduate that school as well)

I've seen a few wearing the Sapper tab as far back as two years ago....They're some hard folks that deserve some recognition....IMO
and the 'AIRBORNE' tab....(BTW: I may have seen a few 'women' graduate that school as well)

I've seen a few wearing the Sapper tab as far back as two years ago....They're some hard folks that deserve some recognition....IMO

HAHA no shit! but then everyone knows Airborne school is gay. :D

Just for clarification - I meant no disrespect, was just wondering what the general consensus was/is. I don't know any at all, so I can't say either way.
...Just for clarification - I meant no disrespect, was just wondering what the general consensus was/is. I don't know any at all, so I can't say either way.

Night and weekends off except for field problems, phones, daily PX runs... Sounds really hard.

Actually had two guys in my medic class who were graduates who said BAC was harder than the Sapper Course... Personally I dont know...

RB: The AIRBORNE tab is part of a unit patch and not an identifier... Thats why legs can wear it. ;) lol

I would kill hadji with the dude I said I know... He knows what he is doing, trained with him... He taught me a thing or two... (duck tape, iv bag, det cord & MRE box)
I read the packing list and training outline and everything looked great. And then I saw their creed. Now, maybe sappers are certified bad-asses, I don't know, but they don't win any points for creativity.

It concludes with.....

Sappers lead the way!
nice creed...looks like they used the Ranger Creed as a template. I don't really know much about it to be an expert, but I just have one word...wanabe's!
It may very well be a great school (I have no idea) but the sniff test says there's some envy there.
Someone post the creed here, I can't seem to bring it up.....

SLTW! hooooah!
Here ya go

Sapper Creed
I am a sapper. The cutting edge of my country's sword.

I will always endeavor to complete my sapper mission
regardless of available assets. My flexibility and special
training shall provide my task force with a tool to overcome
insurmountable odds.

I realize that I will be called upon for my expertise in all
aspects of mobility, counter-mobility and survivability. The
failure to effectively accomplish my mission could cost the
lives of others.

I will set the example by keeping myself physically fit and
mentally tough. I will strive to sharpen my sapper skills and
the skills of those I support.
Sappers lead the way!
Historically Sappers were elite troops that lead assualts. In Normandy there was one special combat engineer brigade created just for the D-Day invasion. Their mission was to clear the beach obstacles and mines. Some of them actually lived long enough to try at Omaha.

At Remagen it was combat engineers that lead the way across the only standing into Germany.

In Desert Storm it was Combat Engineers that lead the breeches into Kuwait.

Combat Engineers have been in front since the Romans....
There will always be the military version of the special interest group looking for recognition for doing their job. Even pogues have gut checks. It's just that it takes less to check their guts than the rest of us. I say if people need a badge to make them feel special, let them have it. It doesn't change who we are or how we got here. When I went through SFQC, I had a long tab sewn on the inside of my PC. Taking a knee, wiping my brow, I would always see that tab, or rather, that tab would see me. It was a motivator. I may have needed that then, back when my vision of SF guy was a hard charging NCO who HALO'd in everywhere, killed everything, got laid, and then put his hands in his pockets. Older and wiser, I know the tab doesn't make the man. The man makes the tab. If our support wants their 201 on their sleeve, I say let 'em. It's just another merit badge. Keep 'em motivated. It can go right next to underwater basket weaving. The downside is it gives the Marines one more thing to poke fun at.
The only squared away cherry Officer in my Ranger School class went through the Sapper course.

I had some leg yell out "You should try out a Sapper Tab, Hooah" while I was giving my privates a PT test. He was lucky they were doing the two mile run because I would have let them off the leash and balled him up.
The school gradutes females who meet the standard. I know females who went and didn't gradute and I know a balls-to-the-wall physical studboy (Ranger tabbed prior to going to Sapper) who didn't either. <Shrug> WFC?

I wouldn't care how "hard" it is and who else they let in. If attending a course makes me better at my job, then I want to go.
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