Saturday 15 Dec 2018 - Wreaths Across America

I honestly didn't know this occurred outside of "veteran" days. I'm sorry I missed it this year. I won't next year, and I will do my best to help spread knowledge that this occurs every year. Hopefully I can get a few to join me.

Thanks for information @x SF med
The local Veterans cemetery laid over 8000 wreaths.

I honestly didn't know this occurred outside of "veteran" days. I'm sorry I missed it this year. I won't next year, and I will do my best to help spread knowledge that this occurs every year. Hopefully I can get a few to join me.

Thanks for information @x SF med

Most places leave the wreaths up until after the new year. It's rather sobering to walk among the headstones and wreaths.

I'll try to find the pics from last year and post them.

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Couldn't make it this year to our local cemetery, unfortunately. Nothing can top last year though as we were up at Arlington, which was covered in ice and sleeting outside, and still a few hundred of us showed up to honor the fallen (more showed up as the weathergot better). We got to lay over a hundred wreaths, probably closer to 250, each. Every time saying the veteran's name. My highlight was getting to watch my wife place a wreath on her grandfather's tomb.