Scientists admit key errors in ocean warming study


Sep 12, 2012

Oopsie Daisy....

Scientists admit key errors in ocean warming study

Scientists behind a major study that claimed the Earth’s oceans are warming faster than previously thought now say their work contained inadvertent errors that made their conclusions seem more certain than they actually are.

Two weeks after the study was published in the journal Nature, its authors have submitted corrections to the publication. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, home to several of the researchers involved, also noted the problems in the work and corrected a news release on its website, which had asserted that the study detailed how the Earth’s oceans “have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought.”

“We made mistakes here,” said Ralph Keeling, a climate scientist at Scripps, who was a co-author of the study. “I think the main lesson is that you work as fast as you can to fix mistakes when you find them.”
“I think the main lesson is that you work as fast as you can to fix mistakes when you find them.”


So that's why some other dude had to find the mistakes before you said jack shit... While, judging by your response, it seems you already knew you made said mistakes?
Ralph Keeling, the climate scientist at Scripps that coauthored the study is clearly a 'denier'
...this is just fake news; nothing to see here, move along

"The planet has a fever, If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don't say, 'Well, I read a science-fiction novel that tells me it's not a problem.'"
"The science is settled, carbon-dioxide emissions — from cars, power plants, buildings and other sources — are heating the Earth's atmosphere.

- Albert Arnold Gore Jr.
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Here in Ca the climate is changing right after the fires to rain. I BELIEVE
This reminds me of the Joe Rogan podcast we discussed last week where guys made up fake studies for peer reviewed journals. When you start with a conclusion and work backwards, that isn't research.