SEAL Officer

Being at a BMI of 15 as a man is technically anorexic. That is too skinny. It isn’t about looking a way, it is about being strong and athletic. At 124 homeboy is not at all athletic and I seriously doubt he has very much strength.

I say this because it isn’t said enough. All the heart in the world doesn’t make up for a lack of physical conditioning and preparedness. Luckily for us many “I’ll die before I quit” boys will quit before they get to the dying part. Training in SOF is dangerous. You need to be physically prepared.
Right. I don't think anyone at the unit will help me since most aren't interested in special warfare. I'm just scared I won't make it for SOAS.
@Box brings up a good point. You need to be conditioned, and be fit (they are not the same). With that comes nutritional changes. You definitely need the nutrition component, but don't get hung up on making your body something it may not be designed to be.

Me, I am the opposite of you and @Box . I had to drop weight to join and have always been on the bigger size of standards. I have never been a speed demon but I can carry a lot of heavy stuff very far and be ready to fight when I get there. You do you. But you have to have a plan.
I really need one at the moment. I'm scared that I will not become a SEAL Officer since I'm too weak. However, I'm willing to put in the work and not give up since I'm putting in everything on the line for this dream.
1. I'm 19
2. Income situation is good.

Thanks for the update, both will help drive solutions for your problem from the smart guys here:

My advice, if you haven't already, invest in a solid blender. I recommend the NINJA (@Kaldak probably thinks I work for them). Having one greatly enhances your ability to digest "quick" calories.

At your age you can get away with eating "cheap" calories like FAST food. I don't think they are crappy but the gym bros do. Enjoy this time in your life and have fun.

Eating like you need to eat can also get extremely expensive going after more "quality" calories like lean meats or shakes. Just walking into GNC or the meat section at your local store hurts the wallet! Subscribe and save once you find what you like. Also enroll in whatever the VIP plan for the super market you live near....both save $$$$$$.

Good luck on your journey! :thumbsup:
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Eating like you need to eat can get can also get extremely expensive going after more "quality" calories like lean meats or shakes. Just walking into GNC makes you poor. Subscribe and save once you find what you like. Also enroll in whatever the VIP plan for the super market you live near....both save $$$$$$.

Good luck on your journey! :thumbsup:

Another option to price out is a membership to a Costco, Sam's, etc. Depending upon the amount of protein and veggies you'll eat, that can save a ton. I can buy twice as many avocados and 3x as many onions at one compared to a Publix or Winn Dixie. Tomatoes, milk, eggs, salad materials, etc. are all cheaper. Easy carbs...pasta, rice, and taters, same deal. They'll also have other supplements, vitamins, etc. for a lot less. Sam's is easy to game, so if you have a roommate you can split a membership and and Sam's will never know. We actually took a screen grab of the membership bar code and that worked...some of us never installed the app.
...following up with two words...


Talk to your doctor.
Like TLDR20 has already reinforced - a BMI of 15 as a man is technically anorexic.

Just my opinion - but your FIRST priority should be strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be. If you just sit around eating Weight Gain 4000 in hopes that it will help you get all buff, the chances are good that you may only cause yourself further problems with your health and weight.

Set expectations. If nature meant for you to have an ectomorph body type - you are always going to struggle to gain weight and mass no many how many tubs of Beefcake Powder you choke down.
Trying to force yourself along because you want to be a SEAL Officer might not be a realistic expectation...
...I was NEVER going to play in the NBA - no matter how much I may have wanted it.

Talk to your doctor and set some realistic expectations. If you're body simply is not built to endure that particular type of physical career - see how else you can contribute. No SEAL platoon, no ODA, no Ranger Platoon, is going into combat without a parade of support and enablers - and more often than not - the real success is because those enablers "won the fight" for them before the first door was even breeched.

But most importantly - be your best self first - what's beyond your control is beyond your control.
Thanks for the update, both will help drive solutions for your problem from the smart guys here:

My advice, if you haven't already, invest in a solid blender. I recommend the NINJA (@Kaldak probably thinks I work for them). Having one greatly enhances your ability to digest "quick" calories.

At your age you can get away with eating "cheap" calories like FAST food. I don't think they are crappy but the gym bros do. Enjoy this time in your life and have fun.

Eating like you need to eat can also get extremely expensive going after more "quality" calories like lean meats or shakes. Just walking into GNC or the meat section at your local store hurts the wallet! Subscribe and save once you find what you like. Also enroll in whatever the VIP plan for the super market you live near....both save $$$$$$.

Good luck on your journey! :thumbsup:
Thank you. I don't want to fail and quit.
What does your current workout schedule look like? How many calories a day are you eating? And what kind of foods are you eating? One can be skinny fat.
So far I'm just eating anything everyday. It's just like 1 plate. I also eat junk food, but it's like 1 serving. I eat basically pretty much like spaghetti, mac and cheese, and chicken rice. My workout schedule sucks but I'm starting small:

50 push-ups
50 squats
50 situps
3 planks spread throughout the day
So far I'm just eating anything everyday. It's just like 1 plate. I also eat junk food, but it's like 1 serving. I eat basically pretty much like spaghetti, mac and cheese, and chicken rice. My workout schedule sucks but I'm starting small:

50 push-ups
50 squats
50 situps
3 planks spread throughout the day

Starting small is okay. Everyone starts from somewhere, right?

Go to some of the sites and links we've given you. We have given you a ton of tools. And get in the pool for sure. If you're not swimming, you cannot make it.
So far I'm just eating anything everyday. It's just like 1 plate. I also eat junk food, but it's like 1 serving. I eat basically pretty much like spaghetti, mac and cheese, and chicken rice. My workout schedule sucks but I'm starting small:

50 push-ups
50 squats
50 situps
3 planks spread throughout the day

No cardio of any kind? Like @Devildoc said, hit the pool and also start running. Running is easy to do wherever you are on any given day. Start by jogging places. Going between buildings on campus? Jog instead of walk. Going to the cafeteria? Jog there. Not only will it start to get you used to running if you haven't done any, but it will save time and hopefully make you want to eat more than one plate or one serving.

The workout you listed above... is that once a day or multiple times a day? Are you doing 50 straight of each exercise, or is it 10 five times? How long is the plank?

Additionally, I know we sound like a broken record, but just eat. Don't focus on serving sizes or the like. Someone is handing out cookies? Take some. Add some cheese to the spaghetti or extra meat. Add some garlic bread. Garlic bread is awesome. Try all the ice creams in town. Part of your problem with the workouts may be that you just don't have enough fuel in your system. More fuel, more gains in reps and speed.

Lastly, which of the sites have you looked at thus far? Have you dug around on this site to see what workouts people have posted as doing? The search function is great.

At this point, you don't need to get a specific one for SEALs, Rangers, SWCC, SF, etc... any will do (whichever you can get your hands on and makes the most sense given your availability of equipment). I'm not saying to jump right into one, but look at the exercises they have listed in the plan. Start doing them. Maybe it's only a handful of reps for now. But it's a start to build you up. And stretch. Flexibility will keep you from getting injuries.

My two cents for you based on what you've posted and conveyed thus far.
No cardio of any kind? Like @Devildoc said, hit the pool and also start running. Running is easy to do wherever you are on any given day. Start by jogging places. Going between buildings on campus? Jog instead of walk. Going to the cafeteria? Jog there. Not only will it start to get you used to running if you haven't done any, but it will save time and hopefully make you want to eat more than one plate or one serving.

The workout you listed above... is that once a day or multiple times a day? Are you doing 50 straight of each exercise, or is it 10 five times? How long is the plank?

Additionally, I know we sound like a broken record, but just eat. Don't focus on serving sizes or the like. Someone is handing out cookies? Take some. Add some cheese to the spaghetti or extra meat. Add some garlic bread. Garlic bread is awesome. Try all the ice creams in town. Part of your problem with the workouts may be that you just don't have enough fuel in your system. More fuel, more gains in reps and speed.

Lastly, which of the sites have you looked at thus far? Have you dug around on this site to see what workouts people have posted as doing? The search function is great.

At this point, you don't need to get a specific one for SEALs, Rangers, SWCC, SF, etc... any will do (whichever you can get your hands on and makes the most sense given your availability of equipment). I'm not saying to jump right into one, but look at the exercises they have listed in the plan. Start doing them. Maybe it's only a handful of reps for now. But it's a start to build you up. And stretch. Flexibility will keep you from getting injuries.

My two cents for you based on what you've posted and conveyed thus far.
10 five times for each one. For planks, 1 is 1:20, while the other two are 1 minute. I searched for workout plans on this site, but I haven't found any. I'm looking at Stew Smith right now and I think I might do it. Should I also look into Jake Zweig? I do stretch before workouts and I am eating more now. There's an extreme heat wave right now so that's why I'm not running at the moment. Sorry if I'm telling a lot. I'm just super scared. I just got my 3 year sideload scholarship on 7/30/2024, so I'm pretty much betting everything on becoming a SEAL Officer. I'm scared that 3 years will not be enough and that I'll forever be a quitter, which is something I don't want to be.
Starting small is okay. Everyone starts from somewhere, right?

Go to some of the sites and links we've given you. We have given you a ton of tools. And get in the pool for sure. If you're not swimming, you cannot make it.
Got it. Thank you.
For BUDS prep, go follow Jeff Nichols. He has amazing programming and instructional videos on YouTube. You don't need a mentor, you just need to make this your only priority.

Stew Smith has very outdated approaches to fitness, but they'll be better than figuring it out on your own if it's all you have.

Chris Hinshaw at Aerobic Capacity has the best engine training I've found for cardiovascular endurance.

Remember the listed minimums are ABSOLUTE minimums. You should be able to double them before you go. Train often, eat right, BE CONSISTENT. You'll be fine. It's not easy, but it's simple.