Two thoughts:
1.)These will likely be direct commissions, with basic looking a Boy Scout 2 week orientation. They will not be line officers, and will not be able to make any Line Officer decisions. The NCO's within the Officers sphere of influence will keep them in check.
2.) The commissions these officers will get, will come out of the Line Officer allotments. That said, the higher in rank they go, the greater will be the competition for rank. Maybe 80% will see 0-3, 40% 0-4 and 20% seeing 0-5. I doubt many will see active service long enough to see full retirement. They will be scalped down, with new direct commissioned officers filling in the lower ranks. Don't expect the line to cough up retirement winning slots.
Something I would like to see, is each new officer going through OCS. The cost of OCS slots-v-Boy Scout Camp slots, will keep OCS a line officer only requirement.
Above is the life of medical support Officers, nonMD eye docs, Physical Therapy, Food Service, Veterinarians, and a few others are all in the same USAF Corps, competing for the same promotion spots. I think that will be the model for Civilian to Officer folks.
My $.02.