SECNAV: Climate Change is an "All Hands on Deck Moment"


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Good news, folks, the Navy considers climate change one of its top priorities. When you couple this with that little drone issue a few days ago, I know our environment is in great hands. Defense has the focus we need.

Our ability to counter China? Plant a tree for freedom. Nothing scares the Chinese more than a carbon foot print.

Navy secretary cited climate change as top priority as Biden proposes shrinking the fleet

Eh, everything is cyclical. I guess the US has had its day in the sun...
Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. With. That. Nonsense.

I for one look forward to the USS Greta Thunberg taking to the seas and defending our great nation. I'm sure it will be a zero-carbon platform brought to you by child slavery mining rare earth metals, but that's totally fine because someone has to sacrifice and save our planet. The planet has exploited cheap African labor for hundreds of years now, what's a few more?

"It's not just a job, it's slavery."
"You and a dirty, unsafe hole of death for cobalt, full speed ahead."

America, fuck yeah!
Disconnects like the one above are why people have an issue with climate anything. They basically sent the band on a "working" vacation with little to no value. I'll bet that trip wasn't exactly "carbon neutral", so what was actually gained by sending a bunch of white musicians to some place hardly anyone has heard of before?

I honestly don't even get mad anymore. I am going to find it so god damn funny when all of the people that voted these clowns in, get drafted.

Give the Ukraine proxy war a year or two more to escalate, let China make a move toward Taiwan, get the shit going global...and watch these assholes run.
It’s interesting here, even the dogs are barking “climate change!” There’s some hilarious politicking in the state of Victoria, which has (ahem) natural gas to burn, but previously have said that it won’t be extracted & now say there isn’t any.
So they import it from Queensland, their northern neighbor.
We’re closing some coal fired power stations here in New South Wales early due to climate concerns but in doing so, this leaves a shortfall in future energy production which the top electrical wonks have been warning about for some time, as wind & solar can’t deliver the dispachable power at scale to cover the shortfall in kilowatt hours due to the winding down of coal fired power. Current thinking is that very quietly in the business sections of the newspapers, there’s speculation to keep the coal fired stations open…(may, likely…pick your adverb).
The current Labor federal government very quietly deals with gas exploration & production by allowing it in certain cases, which is prudent as they do understand that if the lights go out…pfft…they’re fucked. Meanwhile….CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
Leonard Nimoy's seventies show, "In Search Of...The Coming Ice Age":

I'd like to get on board this "climate change" train but have no idea how to I buy a swimsuit or a parka? 🤔
Drysuit or a personal bubble.

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