SES Charged with Operating a Dog Fighting Ring


SOF Support
Feb 27, 2014
Military Mentor
When there is corruption at the top - it breeds corruption throughout the ranks - why is anyone surprised ???

We had a chief executive sodomize a government clerk in the oval office with a cigar - the result - the rest of us had to carry an army values card...
...gluttony, avarice, sexual perversion, sloth - these are treated like positive attributes in a society that exalts people like the side show we see at the helm of our nation.

"There's no such thing as drag queen story hour"
"but if there was, laws that keep sexual predators away from school children would be discriminatory"
"86% of our pilots are white males, and here's why that needs to change..."
"that movie about child trafficking is bullshit"
"so what if Hunter is a drug addict, that peddles his fathers influence for family profit"
"just say aye"

Sam Brinton
Richard/Rachel Levine
Shawn Skelly
Bruce/Caitlin Jenner
...the depressed guy from Philly that wears hoodies

These folks are exalted by modern day american culture - and how dare we challenge their titles as "heroes"
...and we are going to act surprised that a government official went all Michael Vick on us.

Color me shocked - a high ranking gubmint o'fishal got caught doing fucked up shit.
...outraged, I say
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When there is corruption at the top - it breeds corruption throughout the ranks - why is anyone surprised ???

We had a chief executive sodomize a government clerk in the oval office with a cigar - the result - the rest of us had to carry an army values card...
...gluttony, avarice, sexual perversion, sloth - these are treated like positive attributes in a society that exalts people like the side show we see at the helm of our nation.

"There's no such thing as drag queen story hour"
"but if there was, laws that keep sexual predators away from school children would be discriminatory"
"86% of our pilots are white males, and here's why that needs to change..."
"that movie about child trafficking is bullshit"
"so what if Hunter is a drug addict, that peddles his fathers influence for family profit"
"just say aye"

Sam Brinton
Richard/Rachel Levine
Shawn Skelly
Bruce/Caitlin Jenner
...the depressed guy from Philly that wears hoodies

These folks are exalted by modern day american culture - and how dare we challenge their titles as "heroes"
...and we are going to act surprised that a government official went all Michael Vick on us.

Color me shocked - a high ranking gubmint o'fishal got caught doing fucked up shit.
...outraged, I say

All true, except, that Frankenstein looking fucking shill ain't from my home town, as much as I despise this cesspool and I exfil'd in 94, only to go back for wife's family and when I work.

That said, that cunt is from Braddock, PA, western PA not far from Pittsburgh, though, it all looks the same.
Growing up in WNY you'd hear about dogfighting once in a while. Being a shithole city, pit bulls were as common as black and mild packages, and those tiny zip-lock bags people probably used for their earrings or something.

I remember older guys talking about it like it was just a "natural" thing dogs would do if they were wild. Dogs chase squirrels and cats through the yard, why not let them get together and fight?? What's wrong with that? I had a pit-bull and my older neighbor thought I, a 12 year old, must have been fighting it because my little sister dripped a few drops of melted ice cream on her face which looked like dried blood I guess.

Once in a while you'd hear about a small dog they used to train dogs to attack get found all broken and scarred up, or it would be on the news.

I never understood dog fighting, and never wanted to see one. Guess I'm just not a scumbag.
Another awesome exec, funny thing a SES has zero Civil Service protections, he should be gone in 10 days.
He'll be held up as a victim of systemic racism.