Whats going on gentlemen. Completed OSUT and home on christmas exodus, waiting to go back and turn blue and graduate. Next is Airborne hold. APFT 5 was a 260 under unfavorable circumstances but what can you do. Feel confident that in Airborne hold and Airborne i can breeze by a 300. My company was 60% xrays. Of that probably about 40% of them got reclassed after not scoring a 240 or above on APFT 5. If you dont score a 240 on APFT 5 or you drop the SF part of your contract at anytime throughout the pipeline the Army is reclassing you. Seems like it's usually 19d. I know my PT needs to improve and ill be busting my ass on that. PT on sandhill is a joke. Do PT in the bay. I saw kids gain 100 points on their APFT through the cycle so its doable. A lot of the 18x are solid dudes but for every good dude theres two shitbags. The one mentioned above was chaptered out for attempting suicide in red phase. If youre going to basic, stay away from the shitbags, and stay away from the dudes with a chip on their shoulder because they might be older or whatever else. As for PT in the bay, you have a lot of options if youre going to OSUT and reading this. Stack two sandbags on top of each other and lay on them and bench kettlebells. Do dips and pull ups on the racks. Throw weight in your ruck and do stuff with that. Put your iotv and pro mask on and go in the latrine and do step ups on the bench to work on running, or run the stairs. Do leg blasters from military athlete. Theres a lot of stuff you can do, just think outside the box. And eat lots of cottage cheese and peanut butter in the chow hall. Thats all i got for now. Anyone going to OSUT with questions feel free to get in touch ill answer to the best of my ability. Anyone shipping early-mid January has a fair chance of going to my company.