Side saddles on shotguns

Do you have a side saddle on your shotgun?

  • No, I carry my reload elsewhere

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Yes, it allows for a quicker reload.

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Verified SOF
Aug 18, 2007
San Antonio Texas
Was curious if people here think extra rounds on a side saddle are worth it?

I don't have a side saddle on my benelli, but my wife has one on her Mossburg.


I don't use a side saddle.

1) Quick reload when you need an extra round.
2) Fast way to toss in a slug or other round.

1) Rounds fall out when you do any serious movement /bounding.
2) The saddle can snag on your equipment and other objects.
It looks cool ;-)

Seriously, I do like them...never had issues with them falling out or snagging on anything, but can see where that would be a concern. Play with it and see what you think...I use the hard plastic Tacstar version on my Benelli entry.
I have one on my 870 I used as a work gun. It was nice having 6 shells on my gun versus the 2 or 4 I could carry on my belt. I never had any snagging or other issues.
I can't figure out how to edit my post, but I use a Mesa Tactical one. It's nice because it's metal and is cut around the serial number on the receiver. The serial number cut out is a nice little feature that's overlooked in some others, at least it was for me since they have to verify serial numbers with qualifications and such.
I have one on both of our 870's.

I use them specifically because I'm not throwing on full kit to investigate something in the house. I have what I bring to the fight with the weapon and by having a sidesaddle, I have more rounds than just what's in the tube. Never mind that we keep the shotguns loaded with chamber clear, so I can select slug right off the bat if it is what I am going to need. Same reason I had a redimag on my AR when I still had one. Same reason I use a mag clamp for what I keep nearby the SCAR's.

Quality ones won't drop rounds, walmart or shit tier ones will. I buy quality and will replace them if they stop holding rounds reliably. I've done bounding and dirt drills and never had issues with any normal, or tactical gear with them. I also had training with using them while working as an armed guard since we had 870's for our patrol trucks, and 870's/AR's for static positions and supervisors. Company I was with actually was relatively intensive with conducting training, at least at my location.

You can slug select or emergency ejection port reload w/ a sidesaddle quicker than you will off a belt unless it's a mag fed shotgun. You'll do a full reload faster off a belt mounted setup because you'll most likely be grabbing a full 4-6 rounds instead of picking them individually.
It looks cool ;-)

Seriously, I do like them...never had issues with them falling out or snagging on anything, but can see where that would be a concern. Play with it and see what you think...I use the hard plastic Tacstar version on my Benelli entry.
I was looking at the ESSTAC Shotgun cards, though Condor (yes, I know their quality) has a combo card/pouch that they showed off at SHOT this year.

Could you post (or PM) some pics? The website doesn't really show much.
Seen those and like the concept....but would be concerned about the elastic (or whatever it is) becoming loose over time.....might not ever happen. Good thing to T&E.
Also, Shotguns are ammunition intensive weapons due to the size of the round. If it will hold rounds on the gun and won't get in the way? Well worth it to have it, because otherwise you'd better get a shotgun you can mount a bayonet on... because in 6-8 rounds you're carrying around a beating stick... might as well upgrade to being able to stab a mf'er as well as buttstroke.
Also, Shotguns are ammunition intensive weapons due to the size of the round. If it will hold rounds on the gun and won't get in the way? Well worth it to have it, because otherwise you'd better get a shotgun you can mount a bayonet on... because in 6-8 rounds you're carrying around a beating stick... might as well upgrade to being able to stab a mf'er as well as buttstroke.

Particularly true if you're using a short barrel shotgun.
They're good- for everything in my opinion. I have a Mossy with one, and it's nice for training purposes, not just some kind of extended engagement indoors.

When it's shotgun day, I'll have a dump pouch filled w/slugs and a side saddle; ya can't beat it for reloading easily and making training sessions more productive.
Finally ordered one from Mesa Tactical. Looked at the TacStar, but the negative reviews convinced me to go wit the Mesa Tactical instead. Funny thing, going to Mesa Tactical was the cheapest way. 110 vs 125 on Amazon, and I got free shipping (I could have UPS'd it cheaper then Amazon Prime with free shipping).
You'll really like the Mesa saddle. I've had one on my 870 (photo above) for about 5 years now and still holds the shells as tightly as it did when I got it. The range also liked it because they can still see the serial number on the receiver, which was an issue when I had to qualify every year with it. All the other personally owned 870's I've seen on my department have the Tac Star one and I've seen a handful break just from being in the trunk and something rolling and hitting it.