So ummm...what exactly does it take to bring down a Soviet chopper? (or soldier...see page 2 edit)


Was smoking as it turned, so I guess the crew put it down as fast as they could.
Wonder what they hit it with?
(And the comments on the page are pretty funny too)
What does it take..? Some here talk about it in hushed tones and certainly won't type about it.That's fine, but at some point, having lived long enough, you'll experience a superfart. Farts are like people, some are loud and raucous, "windbags" if you will, but without substance. Others feel just like bubbles, tiny bubbles escaping. But these bubbles will not be dispelled by high winds, by the wash of a turbine, these will encapsulate you and alter the way light travels through them and sound. You will taste sights and hear colors. At first, thinking yourself immune, you'll turn to the wife and ask "can we keep him? It wants to follow me home". That'll be before you hit the "bends".
Not even the soft-SAFT will predict the behavior of these heavy, shit laden molecules. If you watched "Interstellar", you got an inkling.
"I got bubbles!"
Famous last words.
In other news, Frank's back.

Well, we Actually discussed what it would take at a certain conference I went to, at a non-discript location, at an unspecified time. The answer is actually pretty straight forward and easy to understand, but it shouldn't be talked about here.
Stinger? Isnt that what we have to the NA to defeat the Soviets in AF?

Most went to the Pashtun Muj with the "NA" receiving some of the smallest amounts. The NA didn't become a "thing" until after 9/11 when we gave a name to the loosely affiliated, usually not Pashtun, anti-TB forces in Afghanistan. We gave the arms to the Pakistani ISI who then doled them out according to religious and political ideology, not battlefield needs. That left the non-Pashtuns without a meaningful supply of weapons which in turn drove them to selling opium (or anything) to buy weapons. The State Dept. wouldn't sign off on aid to them because they were "drug traffickers" which meant they languished (outside of a few small CIA efforts) until after 9/11 when we suddenly needed a friend or two. "Poof!" here comes the "Northern Alliance."

FWIW, Stingers didn't show up until late '86, after the Soviets began making plans to leave. The US created this myth that Stingers won the war, but in reality they merely added depth to an already lethal anti-air environment. Blowpipes and the odd SA-7 were in use years before Stingers showed up, but that detracts from the narrative of the Great Reagan repaying the Soviets for Vietnam.

Well, we Actually discussed what it would take at a certain conference I went to, at a non-discript location, at an unspecified time. The answer is actually pretty straight forward and easy to understand, but it shouldn't be talked about here.

My school's blacker than your school. You know where I library and if you don't, you should.
Well, we Actually discussed what it would take at a certain conference I went to, at a non-discript location, at an unspecified time. The answer is actually pretty straight forward and easy to understand, but it shouldn't be talked about here.

We'll just wait for it to come out in Salon...
What does it take..? Some here talk about it in hushed tones and certainly won't type about it.That's fine, but at some point, having lived long enough, you'll experience a superfart. Farts are like people, some are loud and raucous, "windbags" if you will, but without substance. Others feel just like bubbles, tiny bubbles escaping. But these bubbles will not be dispelled by high winds, by the wash of a turbine, these will encapsulate you and alter the way light travels through them and sound. You will taste sights and hear colors. At first, thinking yourself immune, you'll turn to the wife and ask "can we keep him? It wants to follow me home". That'll be before you hit the "bends".
Not even the soft-SAFT will predict the behavior of these heavy, shit laden molecules. If you watched "Interstellar", you got an inkling.
"I got bubbles!"
Famous last words.

My thoughts exactly.