Social Justice Warriors


Jul 28, 2015
I don't know if any of you have noticed the crazy subcultures that have been poping up on college campuses, but a lot are claiming PTSD from offensive language. They claim things like "fat shaming" and oppression of different genders or ideologies cause this. Typically they are wealthy upper middle class white girls who have never faced any real adversity and unattractive guys who will agree with anything to get laid. I saw this post someone made about them and it summed it up more succinctly than I ever could.

Stolen suffering
All adversity isn't the same. There are plenty of non-combat vets and civilians alike that have PTSD from various things. Some groups go to far (tumblr special snowflakes) but I wouldn't be so hasty as to say only hardened super leet vets can only have PTSD. It leads down a bad road where if you haven't done X, you aren't allowed to feel or react a certain way to things.
People who claim that need to grab their balls and make up.

Don't be a pussy. Get over yourself. I weep for society today.
1. The trigger to PTSD is exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation. In reference to this type of case (Tweet drama?), the exposure must result from the individual experiencing first-hand repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of a traumatic event (not
through media, pictures, television or movies
unless work-related*).

2. Trauma and stress related disorders cannot be self diagnosed, so I would be surprised if these SJW people are doing anything other than "claiming."

3. Is "what the fuck ever" now completely off the table as a reaction to someone being an idiot toward you?

*I do admit the possibility of misanthropic twenty-something Starbucks coffee schleppers being forced to view their own shame Tweets while on duty.
Non-hacking cry babies....

I simply don't have time for them...I think I shall drive on without them and leave them to their crying games!
This was in response to people who claim PTSD from tweets..

PTSD is great if you're a social warrior. It generates sympathy and reinforces your victimhood, no one can prove you don't have it, it gives you an excuse for any and all bad behavior, and you can use it as a weapon against anyone who pushes back against your political agenda "STOP TRIGGERING MEEEEEE!!!!"

It's also a legit condition that many people, vets and non-vets, struggle with. Since there is no definitive diagnosis, and the condition is often over-diagnosed or mis-diagnosed, many people who don't have it can claim they do, and no one can prove differently.

case in point:

"...what really got people fired up was how Hensley claimed she got PTSD: from reading mean tweets about herself that other people made on the Internet."

melody hensley.png
PTSD is great if you're a social warrior. It generates sympathy and reinforces your victimhood, no one can prove you don't have it, it gives you an excuse for any and all bad behavior, and you can use it as a weapon against anyone who pushes back against your political agenda "STOP TRIGGERING MEEEEEE!!!!"

It's also a legit condition that many people, vets and non-vets, struggle with. Since there is no definitive diagnosis, and the condition is often over-diagnosed or mis-diagnosed, many people who don't have it can claim they do, and no one can prove differently.

case in point: Mean Tweets and PTSD: Facts, Fakers, and the Future

"...what really got people fired up was how Hensley claimed she got PTSD: from reading mean tweets about herself that other people made on the Internet."

Except a licensed mental health physician trained to assign the medical diagnosis.

That hat is a victim of being used in the wrong decade, though.
In some ways, what is being presented as PTSD, is a reflection on the sense of entitlement that has come to infect people today. Claims of PTSD, can paralled with the cases of stolen valor that are coming out of the woodwork. How many claims of PTSD, are actually disgnosed by a qualified healthcare provider? My guess is a ratio of two/100. Claimed PTSD can be the escape route for so many for of simple , or even law breaking misbehavior, that everyone is expected to forgive.

Over the years, I have seen more than a few true sociopaths who would drink to cover behavior of people with a poor concept of right and wrong. Included in this group were people who were devoid of social conscience. The diagnosis of "Alcoholsim" kept them out of jail, for a while. In some ways, the claims of PTSD can be used for the same reasons.

My $.02 on some claims of PTSD.
A doctor can prove that PTSD was over-diagnosed or misdiagnosed by another doctor? How? I don't think I've heard of that happening, ever.

A doctor changing an original diagnosis is rare, but yes, it can and does happen. The "hows" can include a higher level of field-specific expertise, or new evidence or diagnostic criteria, for instance.

If anyone strongly suspects they've been mis/over diagnosed with anything, BTW, there's nothing at all wrong with expressing that to the first doc and asking him to refer for a second opinion.

Perhaps the criteria for PTSD diagnosis is more broad in the newest DSM edition, and this is creating or exacerbating problems. This is where any psychs on the board should chime in, IMO.
I'm afraid I know them too well. At my high school there is some lady on the pay roll who's only job is to bitch about some bullshit that doesn't affect her and she doesn't actually care about she just wants to seem so cultured. She actually forces the kids there to take part in political protests, various types of hissy fits which allows her to pretend she's making a difference. Her politics are left of Lenin's. She believes police, military service members and veterans of both the services mentioned are the worst people on the planet. Meanwhile believing ISIS fuck heads are just miss understood, and the only appropriate way to act is to give them hugs. Thank god I don't have to deal with that socialist, two faced, contrarian bitch anymore.
Social Justice Warriors? More like Social Media Pussies...They are doing nothing but making me want to straight punch them in the face. I dare one of these dumbasses to attempt to pull some shit with me. I'm not going to use mean words, I'm just going knock the hell out of them and walk off. My wife's good friend is half black and half Asian and all into the telling people about their "white privilege" as she grew up on the rich side of town, spent $50k on her wedding to a white guy and her dad is footing the bill for Med school. Yep I feel real fucking privileged around her, I wanted to knock the hell out of her several times. Especially when the bitch starts talking shit about the military, when her dad is a retired USAF Col. Fucking mind boggling how stupid people can be.
I'm only 41. When did being a victim become cool, like some badge of honor? "Hey, some bad shit happened to me and I was too unlucky to dodge it or two stupid to see it. I can has gold star?"

When did we start worshipping victims?