Social Justice Warriors

I simply don't let their whining selves into my world. I completely and totally ignore their crying and whining and won't even acknowledge them. I can't stand non-hacking cry babies and I simply won't entertain their complaints or opinions.

They simply don't exist in my world...I won't let them in.
This one time I had to sit in room for a few hours with some guy who was a "pacifist activist." My god... What a fucking panzy biggest fuck stick I've met. Or one of them. All this pathetic excuse for man did was complain about cops, and how they are doing their jobs. How the left media is the only media which isn't biased. He talks about how we shouldn't fight, and it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't fight back against, ISIS, AQIM, North Korea, etc... He tells some story about how when he was in high school he had to register for the draft and how the military is equal to the Third Reich. But the thing that finally made me wonder how this guy managed to live this long was his stance on bullying in schools and what not. This guy seriously told us the way to stop a kid from getting beat up is to ask the bully to stop and say "that's rude." What the fuck?! This is the popular opinion in our civilization? Seriously? Holy fucking shit I swear I am not making this bullshit up.
This one time I had to sit in room for a few hours with some guy who was a "pacifist activist." My god... What a fucking panzy biggest fuck stick I've met. Or one of them. All this pathetic excuse for man did was complain about cops, and how they are doing their jobs. How the left media is the only media which isn't biased. He talks about how we shouldn't fight, and it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't fight back against, ISIS, AQIM, North Korea, etc... He tells some story about how when he was in high school he had to register for the draft and how the military is equal to the Third Reich. But the thing that finally made me wonder how this guy managed to live this long was his stance on bullying in schools and what not. This guy seriously told us the way to stop a kid from getting beat up is to ask the bully to stop and say "that's rude." What the fuck?! This is the popular opinion in our civilization? Seriously? Holy fucking shit I swear I am not making this bullshit up.

He is the perfect candidate to catch a flight to many countries that believe exactly how he does. Not to mention...he sounds as if he may be the chiefest of sheep....
He is the perfect candidate to catch a flight to many countries that believe exactly how he does. Not to mention...he sounds as if he may be the chiefest of sheep....
That's an understatment. He is a US citizen currently living in Canada. If he is such a bitch why not move to Iceland? That place has no military I'm sure he would love it.
I'm only 41. When did being a victim become cool, like some badge of honor? "Hey, some bad shit happened to me and I was too unlucky to dodge it or two stupid to see it. I can has gold star?"

When did we start worshipping victims?

Just one perspective: I'm sure we can trace it back beyond this point, but I'd say the recent trend began to gain momentum sometime around the end of the second Bush administration. I saw quite a bit of it when I was in college (which may just have been the environment), and noted remarks that it had gotten worse in the last 2-3 prior (talking 2002-2003 timeframe), and it really exploded into mainstream western/US culture around 2008-2010, when I started noticing that some of the crap I was hearing in the outside world was WORSE than what I'd had pushed on me while I was on a college campus. (NB: the "Occupy" horseshit started in 2011, likely fed by that momentum)

There's been some element of this thinking for quite a while, that's just the recent uptick.
This one time I had to sit in room for a few hours with some guy who was a "pacifist activist." My god... What a fucking panzy biggest fuck stick I've met. Or one of them. All this pathetic excuse for man did was complain about cops, and how they are doing their jobs. How the left media is the only media which isn't biased. He talks about how we shouldn't fight, and it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't fight back against, ISIS, AQIM, North Korea, etc... He tells some story about how when he was in high school he had to register for the draft and how the military is equal to the Third Reich. But the thing that finally made me wonder how this guy managed to live this long was his stance on bullying in schools and what not. This guy seriously told us the way to stop a kid from getting beat up is to ask the bully to stop and say "that's rude." What the fuck?! This is the popular opinion in our civilization? Seriously? Holy fucking shit I swear I am not making this bullshit up.

I told those that decided to try to bully me to stop, first. It's the right thing to do, and in the context of a self defense argument is a prudent step to take. In all reality, common sense isn't common and nobody knows what they're doing is fucked up for the most part unless someone voices it. Unfortunately, voicing that opinion doesn't always work out as intended... as I had two distinct instances of "bullying" as a kid happen to me.

One group ended up breaking my glasses with a sucker punch. Then when they realized that not only could I take a punch, but now the punch deliverer had a broken hand from my face and unlike prior to that blow, I was now actually pissed...and they fucking ran like cowards. I didn't pursue as I was in the middle of working my paper route and all my customers were on the phone to the cops on their own volition so I had to wait for that rigamarole to finish up. I ended up having to call my second job and tell them I was going to be late. Needless to say all my coworkers at the computer store were laughing at the situation once I finally got there, as they were all older and more life experienced (I was the sole high schooler working as bike messenger/computer tech at the computer store). Not even a shiner to show for it either, which was chuckleworthy.

The second time, different group, laughed and continued to fuck with me when I tried to deconflict/defuse the stupidity.

Having learned my lesson the first time, when the three of them decided to continue to try to press the subject from verbal bullshit to executing minor and threatening major physical action, I chased them for over 4 blocks with the full intent of beating them senseless with my backpack. Basically everyone saw me tearing after the group of fucktards with my 40+lb backpack of books on and just went "holey shit' as I was gaining on them while still on school grounds. I got bored with running after them so I let them get a couple block lead and then took a detour to home once I realized they had stopped looking back to see where I was and were actually in full flight from me.

That got around school, at which point the worst I got was the usual verbal jabs from just being "me" (lanky nerdish kid, one of about 60 white kids in a school population of about 4k) but nobody actually fucked with me after that.

My biology teacher who was also the defensive coach for the football team and had seen me bolt after them then heard what had happened (he didn't see the lead-up as he was engaged by an uninvolved student asking about an assignment, and wasn't close enough to intervene once things started going sideways) tried to get me to come on the team at that point after seeing me move the fuck out, but with two jobs + boy scouts + school outdoor club there was no way I could do team activities as well. He did get a kick later when I came by the school to say hi after being in Regiment for a year, as he was in the Army in Germany when 1st and 2nd Batt were doing their thing in 83.

Found it comical in afterthought that nobody ever had the balls to have any straight one versus one altercations with me. So did my friends, and it wasn't like I was remotely known as a fighter or anything of that sort.

My thoughts now, only slightly molded by experience, is that unless you've garnered some specific directed and pretty permanent hatred towards you, if you actually stand up for yourself when necessary, you won't be fucked with. I didn't start shit, didn't talk shit, but shit still ended up coming my way, as is life. I dealt with it and moved on unimpeded.

Oh, and with a free set of better glasses too, as the first group all ended up being arrested that day, and as part of sentencing Juvenile court forced mr "broke my hand on a nerds face and ran away from him like a bitch to boot" to buy me new ones. LOL!

As for social justice warriors, they don't seem to understand the concept of discussion. I know some of my own views are contrary and at times offensive, as is my language. I will tailor to some extent how I formulate a response to a discussion depending on the audience, but at the same time I am not afraid of saying what I feel needs to be said to make my perspective and points known. The whole point of a discussion is to discuss information and learn/share viewpoints regarding information. If you can't step away from a discussion mentally regarding your feelings regarding a topic, and be able to take in what is being presented or said, then YOU shouldn't be taking part in the discussion.

Example: I despise HRC with a passion as a political entity and as a person. This stance has been built up by her statements compared to her actions and inactions and the results of the same. The reason I go further than just as a political entity, is because when you look at things with a wider perspective, a large portion of these actions and inactions when compared to other people in the same sense, are character traits just as much as calculated mental decisions.
I'm only 41. When did being a victim become cool, like some badge of honor? "Hey, some bad shit happened to me and I was too unlucky to dodge it or two stupid to see it. I can has gold star?"

When did we start worshipping victims?

Candy-asses and whiners have always been around...the draft may have infused more cajones into the population. More people had dads who'd served, there were more veterans in the workplace and on campus. That's not saying alot because the counter-culture, the hippies, draft dodgers etc got their impetus from rebelling against their parents, i.e. the Greatest Generation. IMO being a victim and wearing it like a badge of honor began with the anti-establishment non-hacks of my generation and they in turn passed the wimpiness on to their children.
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My wife's good friend is half black and half Asian and all into the telling people about their "white privilege" as she grew up on the rich side of town, spent $50k on her wedding to a white guy and her dad is footing the bill for Med school. Yep I feel real fucking privileged around her, I wanted to knock the hell out of her several times. Especially when the bitch starts talking shit about the military, when her dad is a retired USAF Col. Fucking mind boggling how stupid people can be.

Exactly the same type of people I keep seeing it from. Their life is amazing because of someone else's hard work, and they have trouble accepting that. So they have to make up some bullshit about oppression to make themselves feel better about everything they have. That and the classic unfuckable beta guy who has to pretend to be cultured and understanding so he might get laid.
I blame social media as an outlet. SJ had alway been around but now one can blast it out to millions of people.
I work at a major university and aside from this one live within 30 miles of three more. I see this stuff all. The. Time. And you know what? Although the school administration and faculty claim to "care," no one else does...not the staff, not the people who live and work in these towns, not 99% of the other students who are just trying to a) graduate, b) get laid, c) get drunk.
Those who can't make friends on their own sign up and agree to do anything that the masses do so that they can "belong" to something.

Much as sheep are...they are scared of everything and scared to take a stand against anything that the masses aren't.

Scared and timid little sheep....
Most don't actually know what they are supporting. I know this one chick who was protesting for aboriginal rights. She did this ceremony that native religions do. Turns out natives find it offensive when non-natives do this ceremony. Fucking dipshit pretending to be so cultured and caring but doesn't actually know what she's in for. All of them bandwageners. Remember Knoy 2012? Everyone cared "so much" about it. Then it turns out the founder jack's off in public and everyone was buying into bullshit.
She did this ceremony that native religions do. Turns out natives find it offensive when non-natives do this ceremony

Not 100% true, if one is invited to participate in a Native American religious ceremony, it's not offensive at all, that individual is being honored for being a warrior and/or a human being of high caliber. I've been invited to participate in a number of Native Ceremonies, and have only declined to participate in one. I'm honored to have been accepted by my adopted Native family and the rest of the Clan and Tribe. BUT, all of the ceremonies I've participated in have been run by a Chief, performed on sacred ground and not some touchy feely college kid who read about it on the internet faking their way through it on a college campus.
I don't necessarily disagree with the aims of the SJW type- building a more open minded and respectful society is something only a few demagogues would disapprove of. What turns me off of the whole "movement" is the means and motivation. Yes the aim is to try and fix a lot of the fucked up and backwards things in this country it doesn't come from a place of sincerity. It's less "hey I'm not big on people telling jokes about (insert event) because (insert reason)." And more "OMG MAH FEELS. RACIST CORPORATIST MICROAGGRESSOR." And instead of trying to fix things through that mutual respect of culture that can only come about through an honest and open, two-way dialogue we are left with people trying to shut down and shut up anyone they feel doesn't match with them perfectly.
I recently watched a documentary about CPT Bligh and the famous mutiny on his ship, the Bounty.

Turns out that he wasn't a bad bloke after all. He was pretty lenient when it came to flogging for instance, which was a major accusation that passed down through the years, mostly by Hollywood.

Turns out when all the bullshit is peeled back, that the over ridding complaint against CPT Bligh was that he "verbally abused" those junior to him on board.
Yup, his crew had a few SJW pussies among them! :thumbsdown: