Someone with some knowledge


Verified Military
Jan 7, 2017
I recently got out of the Army and I am in no way excited about my job. I was looking to go to school online and get a BA in criminal justice degree- homeland security. I was hoping to get on with CIA DO in some fashion. I was wondering if anyone has any advice in the hiring process and maybe what kind of chance I stand of getting on? Also with the hiring process it says no drugs in the past 12 months and issues of illegal drug use prior to 12 months is evaluated during the hiring process. I was wondering if having done various kinds and amounts drugs would this disqualify me? ANY info into this job or life would be greatly appreciated
If you're looking at going into the CIA from the civilian sector you are going to want a masters degree from a pretty prestigious school, great GPA, significant overseas experience, and one or more languages. Even then, it's a tough cut.

I think given your situation if your heart is set on the DO you might be better served trying to get low-level work as a civilian (not contractor) anywhere in the intelligence community, build your academic record (secure an MA or MBA online or at night), work on at least one foreign language, and build a solid portfolio of work with the hope of transferring over later in your career. DIA has a lower bar to entry and the ability to move over into collection activity later in your career. Many of their collectors attend much of the same training as members of the DO - including FTC. If you can get through FTC you've got a very good chance of moving over to the CIA.